Main bad guy is shown as a kind of neglectful father and tried to force his son into drug dealing
And there is a child character who's dad is implied to be addicted to drugs and doesn't pack lunches for his kid because he's too busy
Obviously the bear on cocaine isn’t treated very nicely, and her cubs are hit. All of them turn out okay though. A dog is also left in a car but is ok.
**SPOILERS** Near the very end, the bear is shot and falls onto a cliff. It seems like it's dead, before huffing more cocaine and gets back up just fine.
The closest is a character who's never shown on screen named Faulk who one of the main characters (a 13 year old) comments is a pervert but nothing is said beyond that and he never comes up again
No one is held underwater though, (spoilers?) the characters do jump into the water and stay in there for quite some time, everyone that jumped in ends up okay
technically, the scene is very minimal in terms of assault, but (spoilers) the bear after ingesting another block of cocaine starts to vaguely hump one of the main characters - it’s never explicitly treated as assault, more like a weird scenario (i.e. “wtf is the bear doing”)
Towards the end of the movie, Syd gets his neck caught on a hanging duffle bag while trying to retrieve it from a tree branch. Choking sounds can be heard, but the incident is brief.
Being torn apart by a bear on cocaine, being shot through the head by a bullet, decapitation via bear, road rash that takes off a lady’s face, car crash that ejects and kills driver on impact, fingers being shot off, shot in the stomach, shot in the neck, and lastly disembowelment. All with a lot of blood, and most on screen.
There's a few times that characters put themselves in a position to be sacrificed, but it is not acted upon. It's more like a "if you wanna get to them, you'll have to go through me" kinda situations
Idk why people are marking this as a yes. It never happens. Two of the kids spit out cocaine (not even gag, just spit) and one of the kids starts coughing because of the nasal drip, but no one ever v**** or really anything close to it.
No prison scenes are shown, but there is a scene where characters talk about the possibility of going to prison and having to use the toilet in front of their cellmates.
Some strangeness. At one point a character is speaking and it cuts to him contintuing his lines in an unrelated scene with his deceased friends sitting beside him. This is more of a visual gag than a depiction of the characters’ reality however.
Eddie is clearly suffering from trauma after the death of his wife and has spiralled so badly that he abandons his son and can't think of anything but his loss until encountering the bear forces him to adapt to survive. Other characters are obviously traumatized throughout the movie, particularly Olaf.
No flashing lights. There is a scene in a cave where flashlights are used, occasionally pointing at the camera. Since I am EXTREMELY sensitive to lights in my eyes even when they're not flashing, I put on sunglasses for that part of the movie and managed to avoid a migraine.
Several people are shot and some of them die. One is accidentally shot in the head. Another is shot in the stomach. A man gets some fingers shot but he is otherwise okay. The bear is also shot at multiple times.
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