Requests for New Triggers

Is there reference or depiction of backside hitting?
Sp-ing; any form of striking one's buttocks. Please specify what they're hit with.
894 votes
Abortion performed
Some people do not want to watch a show/movie where an abortion procedure is performed. Parents like myself do not want my kids to see abortion scenarios on screen. Examples include "Cider House Rules," "Grey's Anatomy," "Dirty Dancing," "Scandal," and many others. The current category on your site only mentions characters who wished they'd aborted a child, or a character being forced into an abortion, which are different concerns than my own.
844 votes
a character is belittled, humiliated and severe second-hand embarresment
it can be very difficult for people to see any character, weather they are good or bad, getting humiliated. examples are the period blood scene in carrie. getting shit on by a bird. the scene in orange is the new black where she eats a sandwich with a planted tampon in it. puking or any form of bodily fluids coming out, especially in public. getting shamed while naked. being made fun of for smelling bad, or smt unusual that has happened to the character which they are not aware of. being belittled for something, like apparence, status, mistakes and failed attempts. all of these are hard for me to watch, especially when it's gross liquids on any person. and i think these are especially hard if you have ocd or intrusive thoughts like me, bc the images just will not go away and they have ruined many things for me. i REALLY would apreciate knowing if movies or series contain any of these things.
826 votes
Dumb blonde jokes
Because it is a stereotype and it can offend people with blonde hair. Having blonde hair has nothing to do with intelligence.
825 votes
An infant is harmed or in danger
Even if you don't have kids or don't like them, there are people who can get very stressed and even have anxiety attacks when an infant is either killed or in danger. I've never had kids but I've nannied for a lot, and it makes me sick to my stomach when an infant is clearly in danger or killed in media.
794 votes
Are there images or voices of deceased Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander people?
Hearing voices or viewing images of deceased persons is a great source of stress for many Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people.
792 votes
Attack/mass murder
It's very violent to see, especially when it's committed towards a particular group of people (like black or LGBT+ people), and also it can touch people who knew someone who died this way
782 votes
Some neurodivergent people can find ableism triggering and traumatising. Ableism is a form of discrimination that is aimed towards disabled people and can be highly damaging to viewers if depicted in movies without warning.
727 votes
A person gets Covid-19
This pandemic has left most of us traumatized. Whether we got infected with Covid-19 and/or lost a loved one to it, I think it's very important to mention if a movie/TV show depicts it. Especially now that Hollywood is pushing more Covid-19 pandemic related content which is the last thing most of us want to see.
723 votes
Language or behaviors that enforce societal pressures for marriage and/or romantic love, and the portrayal of these concepts as more meaningful or enjoyable than other human experiences or forms of love (e.g. friendship). This can especially be damaging to aromantic people, whose lack of romantic attraction is used to paint them as unfeeling, evil, inhuman, dull, or worthless individuals, and for whom amatonormativity and lack of support can be damaging. Examples in media: The terms "just friends", "more than friends", or other language that places platonic/non-romantic relationships below romantic ones; characters being pressured/encouraged to date, marry, or find love despite expressing disinterest, unwillingness, or wanting to focus on other things (especially if they are framed as wrong and change their mind); characters choosing romance over friendship or other pursuits; singleness portrayed as negative
722 votes
A Character That is Diabetic
"A Character That is Diabetic" -- this fact about Them could be shown on screen, hinted at in passing, told by a 2nd party or only in the origial book adaptation. Such as; one of The Main Characters in the GodFather is a servere Diabetic in the Book, ( to the point they needs 3 doses of insulin a day to live). However, this fact is not told in the film...So their death come out of Nowhere. All becouse the character was in a place where they could not get their insulin in time -- And lead to a lot of Film fans to get angery for not being told about this important fact thats only in the book. (Years later)
714 votes
A character has a heart attack
This is something triggering to my family after we lost someone to a heart attack
713 votes
A bug dies
If a bug is shown squashed or electrocuted, it's not a great sight, whether you like or hate bugs. It's gross and could take away from scenes if someone is sensitive to this.
712 votes
Violent murder
Those who have been violently attacked or have a family member who was brutal murdered may be sensitive to this topic. Violent murder is any scene where a person is brutally beaten to death, throat sliced, stabbed to death repeatedly, very graphically shot, or otherwise gruesomely, physically attacked and killed at the hands of another person.
701 votes
a character is robbed, mugged, or held at gunpoint/knifepoint/etc. by a thief
People who have experienced being robbed, mugged, or otherwise the victim of a thief often suffer from PTSD as a consequence. Forewarning that a character will be held at gunpoint/knifepoint by a thief, forced to turn over a possession to a thief, or otherwise robbed/mugged on-screen can help those victims be prepared for potentially upsetting scenes. This category should take into consideration the stealing of any item (including cars, bags, phones, wallets, etc) but should also be kept separate from kidnapping and other abduction (the distinction being made between possessions being stolen and people/animals being taken).
690 votes
Human Trafficking
Human Trafficking, often sexual in nature, can be very traumatic to see for anyone who has been through it or anyone who has lost someone to it. While we are a small part of the population, I would still like a warning before seeing this. Please note, this is DIFFERENT than willingly choosing sex work. I have no problem with that.
671 votes
Eaten Alive
This deserves a category on its own beyond disembowelment or torture. I can no longer watch Stranger Things after a scene where we graphically see someone eaten alive and I know I'm not the only person who was triggered by this. Some of us cannot withstand scenes where someone or something is eaten alive and it shouldn't need more explanation than that. We would greatly appreciate having a forewarning on here.
666 votes
I have personnal issues with all the forms of dissociation. Derealisation is, to put it simply, the feeling that the world around you is not real anymore. Depersonalisation is the feeling that you are not real anymore. Dissociation is an umbrella term for derealisation, depersonnalisation and both at the same time or consecutively. These symptoms can be triggered by a stressful moment, the apprehension of stress, or by an overwhelming amount of stimulations (for ex. : a lot of neons lights or moving lights, noises, of people, smells, objects ; a typical situation would be going to a supermarket unprepared, being next to police cars/ambulances, etc.). The category "Strobe effects" is a first step, but is it possible to add this new category please ? Thanks a lot in advance, Sam.
666 votes
Especially for movies about the Holocaust, many might want to know if there are deaths related to religion, culture, or immigrant status.
664 votes
A person dies by accident
It would be nice to have just a general category for a person who dies by accident in *any* way.
653 votes