The dogs don’t die on screen but you hear the sound of dogs in pain (not them, it’s the monsters tricking the group)
One of the dogs does shake off his blindfold and gets affected by the monsters “curse” which is a bit distressing
A man apparently leaves his child behind to see if another group of survivors are safe. Another child gets separated from her mother. She also gets temporarily abandoned by the woman looking after her.
Characters - including the main character- hallucinate dead loved ones. In one case the audience also sees the dead person so you could call them a ghost.
Birds crash violently against glass and objects and die.
Experimental rats die off screen, you can hear it and you see the ECG machine which shows that they no longer have a heartbeat.
There is a a small white and brown dog in one of the cages on the screen as the doctor administers the sample into the rats. I would say no but even the though of that is not pleasant. So in some way yes animals being tested is a form of abuse
A character tries to get help at a hospital, later there are scenes in makeshift medical rooms a couple of times. There’s a blood test on one occasion. There is a laboratory/hospital room also.
One of the dogs does shake off his blindfold and gets affected by the monsters “curse” which is a bit distressing