The story follows five disparate high school students - Olivia, Mo, Charlie, Stella, and Wen who meet in detention. They realize they are destined to rock, and ultimately form a band that becomes a champion for students sidelined by the high school elite.
This movie contains 14 potentially triggering events.
There are no dogs in this movie. I'm assuming the 'yes' votes were for the cat that dies, which were likely made before the 'does a cat die' category was made.
One of the main characters' father is in prison. She talks about how he made bad decisions and that she loves him, but she is too hurt/humiliated to reach out.
Mo sees her boyfriend flirting with a girl who's wearing his jacket, but for the rest of the movie Mo's then ex boyfriend tries to convince her that he and the other girl are just friends, and Mo eventually believes him even though it was clear that they aren't just friends.
No children are abused, but all of the main characters have difficult relationships with their living parents (ex. being angry at them, being ignored by them, keeping secrets from them, having to follow their strict standards/ideals, etc.).
Yes. Oliva's cat dies of old age around the midpoint of the movie. It is not shown on screen, and hinted at since the very beginning, but we do see Oliva mourning the loss.
After Charlie accidentally breaks a drumstick while practicing on his drum kit, he gets some new drumsticks from a drawer and accidentally slams his fingers in the drawer when he closes it. In a following scene it's revealed that he broke three fingers. His hand is in a cast for most of the rest of the movie.
After Charlie accidentally breaks a drumstick while practicing on his drum kit, he gets some new drumsticks from a drawer and accidentally slams his fingers in the drawer when he closes it. There are dark red lines on his fingers right after, and in a following scene it's revealed that he broke three fingers. His hand is in a cast for most of the rest of the movie.
While Wen helps his dad hang up a large photo, Wen accidentally drops his side of it and the corner of the frame hits his eye. He has a black eye for most of the rest of the movie.
Mo sees her boyfriend flirting with a girl who's wearing his jacket. After Mo breaks up with him, he spends the rest of the movie trying to get her to date him again. Mo eventually forgives him, and then gets back together with him.
olivia says she feels like she's about to throw up in the bathroom before their first performance. you cant see or hear her do so, but she definitely looked like she was going to
After a boy starts verbally harassing Olivia in front of a vending machine and the her friends come to defend her, Stella sips some lemonade and spits it into the boy's face.
In addition to LilyAccount's comment, Olivia's panic attack lasts several minutes, and it also includes nausea, as she states that she feels she's about to throw up.
There is an unspecified age gap, but one character is confirmed to be 28 and dating someone who has a son who is in high school. The son implies that his father is suffering a 'mid life crisis' and that he is a decent bit older than his girlfriend/fiancé.
very very mild but wen’s eye gets jabbed with a corner of a painting and he’s shown with a black eye. close to that scene charlie smashes his fingers in a drawer