Nothing bad happens to the very cute dog that appears throughout the movie! There are a couple of situations where the dog was tied up on his leash while his person went somewhere else - it had me very on edge since no one else had rated it here yet. I note it because some may find the dog being left behind upsetting, as I might have if it weren’t such a relief to discover that no harm was ever directed at the dog.
There are also a couple of pet birds kept in a cage by one of the characters- no harm comes to them either, but your mileage may vary regarding the cage.
There is something creepy going on with the stepdad’s fixation on his teenage stepdaughter and her sex life. But there is nothing textual about pedophilia. The stepdad’s icky energy seems to be channeled into his obsession with sending the stepdaughter’s 18-year-old boyfriend to jail for statutory rape. It feels abusive and inappropriate, but again, I don’t think I can class that as pedophilia based on what we were shown of the story.
There is a stepdad who is trying to get his 16-year-old stepdaughter’s 18-year-old boyfriend charged with statutory rape. The relationship between the teenagers is sweet and presented as wholeheartedly consensual - the stepdad’s abusive behavior is what is problematic.
I don’t think so, but it’s up to interpretation. When the dog is left behind while its person goes to do something else, I think the dog looks more perturbed than sad.
No cannibalism shown or seriously considered, however one of the operas written by the main character features a woman who is offhandedly said to kill and eat her male victims.
No cannibalism shown or seriously considered, however one of the operas written by the main character features a woman who is offhandedly said to kill and eat her male victims.
One character is in recovery for “addiction to romance,” and she self-describes some of her past behaviors as stalking. She engages in some stalking behaviors during the film, but then steers herself back to recovery.
Perhaps in a technical sense: a parent takes their sixteen year old daughter out of state to help her, without the knowledge of the adoptive stepfather.
The dog is not abandoned in any permanent sense (as I understand this tw). But if this is a trigger for you, consider the following spoilers:
At one point a character who is walking the dog leaves them outside (tied on a leash) while he goes into a bar for awhile. They are reunited and the dog is not harmed.
At another point, the same character leaves the dog in the galley of a boat while he goes on a tour of the boat and gets somewhat sidetracked. But again, they are reunited and all is well.