Subtext. There's a scene where the main character hears a mysterious sound of a young girl screaming, "Nooooo, come back!" and the scene turns into a dreamlike flashback to when the main character was left behind by her family and indentured to the creature from the beginning of the movie who had been withholding food and making her work for fourteen years.
There is a scene that the director describes as "mind r*pe," which is not sexual in nature, but the villain restrains the main character and tells her "you know I can take whatever I want," which has made many assault survivors very uncomfortable when they watch it.
Not in a transphobic way. Kylo Ren is referred to by his birthname Ben by certain characters. He chose the name Kylo Ren when he went to the Dark Side.
Arguably? There is a scene where the villian, Kylo Ren, very clear beats his side with his fist which causes droplets of blood to appear on the snow. He hurts himself in order to strengthen his connection to the dark side, so I'd define it as self harm since he's deliberately harming himself even if it's a more fantasy-version of it.
The First Order are coded as N*zis and there’s a scene where Hux gives a H*tler-like speech but not one with any hate speech. The "First Order" name is also weirdly similar to “New World Order" which is an antisemitic conspiracy theory. Hopefully, it's unintentional, but it's tasteless since Jews are the main group facing oppression by N*zis.
Finn's portrayal has been accused of racism by his actor since he's ineffective, his path is decided by people other than himself, he drinks water from the same trough as work animals, and he's superseded as the protagonist by white character Rey at the end of the film. Finn and Poe get a smaller role in the later films for probably racist reasons. Somewhat Muslim-coded aliens with headwraps (Unkar's thugs) play a villainous role on a desert planet.
Neither of these pairings are textually presented as romantic in this specific movie, but Kylo is about ten years older than Rey, and Poe is about ten years older than Finn.