But the dog's hair is coming out & his owner worries about him. A neighbor she doesn't get along with likes to goad the dog (mostly to drove the owner crazy) & acts unconcerned about any anxiety the dog may be experiencing and questions the vet's findings.
In a manner of speaking, yes. Spoiler: A female character gave birth to a child knowing that she could suffer severe health complications and/or death. She got pregnant against the advice of her doctors due to a chronic medical condition. Eventually she develops further health problems a year or so after the birth that ultimately leads to her death.
Logically, a man lighting fireworks & shooting them into a tree full of birds with a bow & arrow would logically take out a few of them, it's never so much as implied it does.
Not a seizure, but a female character does experience an episode of severe hypoglycemia and exhibits some of the symptoms including: acute confusion, irritability, altered consciousness, shakiness, and increased sweating.
Spoiler: A female character sacrifices her health and ultimately her life to give birth to a child. She gets pregnant despite her doctors advising her not to due to a chronic health problem. Eventually the strain of giving birth leads to further medical problems that then progress to her untimely death.
A character undergoes a kidney transplant. She is later on a ventilator for an extended period. The end of her life support occurs on screen and can be very upsetting for people who have lost loved ones in similar circumstances
In a way, yes. One character makes it a point to only eat junk food, citing the reason that she believes she’ll be better off once her body gives out. She later admits to another character that she didn’t mean it.
A female character is mother to a child who is shown when he's about a year old.
A female character is shown 9 months pregnant and going into labor, but the movie ends before she even gets to the hospital, but it's assumed she does. The credits roll as she's being driven there.
A female character gives birth to a little boy, but it's not shown. You just see her pregnant and then you are introduced to the child long after the fact. Another pregnant female character is seen in begining labor pains and is shown being driven to the hospital, but the movie ends before the birth.
A gay character lies to his family and claims he's dying before coming out to them. The event is retold by other characters as a funny way of putting the shocking news in perspective.
A character shoots off blank rounds to scare birds. He jokingly threatens to shoot another character but again, the gun is loaded with blanks and he has no intention of hurting her.
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