Born under unusual circumstances, Benjamin Button springs into being as an elderly man in a New Orleans nursing home and ages in reverse. Twelve years after his birth, he meets Daisy, a child who flits in and out of his life as she grows up to be a dancer. Though he has all sorts of unusual adventures over the course of his life, it is his relationship with Daisy, and the hope that they will come together at the right time, that drives Benjamin forward.
This movie contains 21 potentially triggering events.
An old dog moves into the old folks home with its owner, who says she'll be no trouble because she won't be around much longer. The dog ends up outliving her owner. She is seen at the funeral and a nd when a character returns a couple of years later. We don't see the dog pass away.
A woman dies in childbirth at the beginning of the film. Several other parental figures die or are mentioned as having died throughout the rest of the film.
The main character is abandoned because of a birth defect, and later taken to a faith healer to cure his disability. The character states that he cannot be a father or continue to be in a relationship because he will soon begin to lose cognitive function; another character later agrees with him.
There are some war scenes at the beginning of the movie, including soldiers being shot in reverse. A WWII naval battle is also shown, including showing several people being killed by ship gunfire.
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