On another planet in the distant past, a Gelfling embarks on a quest to find the missing shard of a magical crystal and restore order to his world, before the grotesque race of Skeksis find and use the crystal for evil.
This movie contains 19 potentially triggering events.
Various creatures are shown in small cages and are presumably used for experiments or rituals of some type. Some small creatures are served as a live meal.
Torture is not strictly shown, but certain aspects might be triggering for some. A few characters are shown being restrained using chairs with metal clamps and are forced to look into a light that drains them of their "essence".
No mutilation occurs, however one of the characters has a single eye that she regularly removes and looks through remotely. Similar to the Fates in Disney's Hercules. May be triggering for some.
Both Jen's and Kira's birth parents are dead as all of the other gelfling died before the start of the film. Jen's mentor also dies of an unspecified illness near the beginning.
When Fizzgig jumps out of a hole barking/growling and scares Jen. It always makes me jump even though I've seen this film countless times. It's very minor but I thought i would mention.
Characters get their essence drained from their bodies and it flows through a series of tubes before ending in a vial. It's unclear how the essence got into the tubes in the first place, but it's sort of implied that there are some type of needles going from the victim to the tubes