Multiple times across the show, from a young student wanting to sleep with her teacher to a promiscuous show, not intense but worth considering if easily triggered
In an episode, Alfie and his class make drugs so he can impress a girl. Another time, he and his class get lost in a forest, and Alfie takes magic mushrooms and poisonous berries.
Alfie has a PE teacher obsess over him, once grabbing his genitals, another time he gets backed into a corner whilst the PE teacher shows him his nude drawings of Alfie.
S1E1 - Alfie vomits into sink right at the start [AUDIO ONLY]
S1E4 - Alfie throws up berries on Rosie's coat. Personally didn't trigger me as you only see aftermath and theres no audio just visual that looks like berries.
S2E5 - Alife graphically vomits on a woman twice at around the 21 minute mark [AUDIO + VISUAL]
REUNION - Joe vomits in reunion special [AUDIO + NOT SURE IF VISUAL] but it's near the end so when he gets concussed I suggest you skip ahead.
Enjoy the show, it's very good!
Episode 2, 3 - The headteacher’s car was supposedly found by a bridge so comments about suicide was made throughout. A fake suicide note was written addressed to Alfie - blaming him for her supposed death. It was revealed at the end that she faked her own death, so was still alive but they don’t find this out until the end
no actual uses, but fraser goes to say it before quickly stopping. he also pusposefully acts/dresses as a stereotypical black person and is generally quite tone deaf
season 2, ep. 2. a bird is shot with an old army rifle and joe is also shot in the bum accidentally by the same gun. the theme of the episode has nothing to do with gun violence
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