Trapped within an eerie mist, the residents of Antonio Bay have become the unwitting victims of a horrifying vengeance. One hundred years earlier, a ship carrying lepers was purposely lured onto the rocky coastline and sank, drowning all aboard. Now they're back – long-dead mariners who've waited a century for their revenge.
This movie contains 24 potentially triggering events.
The local priest is an alcoholic, shown drunk at 20 minutes in, and drinking again at 53 minutes. // Outside of that there is a party boat 30 minutes in wherein four people get drunk.
A man gets stabbed in the eye 25 minutes in. It's PG-13 and pretty fast; not very gruesome. Later on at 41 minutes in, the same man's corpse is shown with his eyes freshly scarred shut. 56 minutes in, the same man's walks up (as a corpse) to a woman and threatens her.