Set in a post-apocalyptic world, young Thomas is deposited in a community of boys after his memory is erased, soon learning they're all trapped in a maze that will require him to join forces with fellow “runners” for a shot at escape.
This movie contains 38 potentially triggering events.
in one scene, you can see a teen boy, Gally, stuck in a big tube full of liquid, banging on the glass and screaming. you only see it for a few seconds though. he makes it out alive.
The whole movie (basically) is fighting so yes there are hands damaged, from pinching but nothing very gory or gross, just normal fighting scenes where their fists get bruised
Quite a few Jumpscares at times, but they are not frequent.
Total Jump Scare Count: 9 (9 Minor)
(Minor) (0:46) (Thomas suddenly wakes up and gasps)
(Minor) (1:45) (After a brief silence, the roof suddenly opens up)
(Minor) (3:34) (As Thomas peeps through the gap, someone suddenly appears into his view)
(Minor) (40:00) (Thomas suddenly gets startled by Minho as he grabs him)
(Minor) (45:15) (Theresa suddenly wakes up and gasps)
(Minor) (49:40) (The Monster robot's arm suddenly comes to life as Minho looks on)
(Minor) (1:00:42) (Accompanied by a sound effect, one of the campmates attack Thomas)
(Minor) (1:18:39) (The robotic monster roars whilst everyone is sheltering)
(Minor) (1:18:59) (The Robot arm suddenly punches through the roof)
At the very beginning you can see Thomas on four but it looks like a shadow but you can hear it and I found that pretty triggering. But I haven’t watched any further in the books there is a small bit at different points but idk if it’s in the movies cause I’m too wuss to watch further
A character spits out alcohol. In the very first shot a character spits/vomits water. When a character attacks another, saliva drips out of his mouth. Later he spits out something possibly blood before being driven into the maze.
Someone puts a gun to their head, then camera switches away so you don't see anything but hear a gunshot. You see them lying on the floor. There is no blood or anything graphic