Chilling and eerie, this supernatural tale of good versus evil coils around twin brothers living with their grandmother in a sleepy rural area during the summer of 1935. After his grandmother encourages Niles to develop what seem to be psychic gifts, Niles starts to suspect that his twin may be involved in recent fatal accidents.
This movie contains 2 potentially triggering events.
People must be confusing this with a different movie because no dogs die in this movie. There are search dogs near the end of the movie, but none are shown harmed or dead.
A rat is (what appears to be) strangled around the 14 minute mark. It is shown before, looking like a kid is innocently holding him. Then they show it again, and it’s limp, and then stiff. It looks real and fake at the same time, so best to look away until the 15:15 mark.
Also, it is implied that a cat is thrown down a well, but we don’t actually see it or hear it happen, nor do we see the aftermath. It occurs in a flashback around the 1:04:12 mark.
A young boy cuts off a dead boy's finger with garden shears. They don't show the amputation itself, but you see the boy with the shears and the sound of him cutting.
There is a man who appears as a magician who is clearly not of East Asian descent, but is dressed in Asian-style clothes with make-up used to make him supposedly appear East Asian. During his scenes, Chinese-style music is played in the background.
It is implied that a cat is thrown down a well, but we don’t actually see it or hear it happen, nor do we see the aftermath. It occurs in a flashback around the 1:04:12 mark.