Balthazar Blake is a master sorcerer in modern-day Manhattan trying to defend the city from his arch-nemesis, Maxim Horvath. Balthazar can't do it alone, so he recruits Dave Stutler, a seemingly average guy who demonstrates hidden potential, as his reluctant protégé. The sorcerer gives his unwilling accomplice a crash course in the art and science of magic, and together, these unlikely partners work to stop the forces of darkness.
This movie contains 8 potentially triggering events.
Wolves are summoned from a calendar image and chase after the main character, but they’re turned into puppies as they attack him on the train tracks. As the train comes, the puppies are turned back into calendar pages and are unharmed.
No one actually wets/soils themselves, but at the beginning of the movie, there is a whole scene where a little boy gets water spilled on the front of his pants. His entire class believes he peed himself, and there are a few mentions later in the movie about how this experience negatively affected him for years.
there is a line from Becky of "are you stalking me?" but it's lighthearted, not meant to be taken seriously. Dave does follow her around a little but not with a stalking intent, just to approach her so they can talk
An antagonist who briefly appears toward the end of the movie was involved in the Salem witch trials, and she is introduced via the spontaneous combustion of a Matryoshka resembling her.
becky is kidnapped by horvath towards the end of the film in an attempt to use her as leverage so that he could obtain what he wants from dave. she is frightened and confused by what is happening but gets through the scene unharmed
not in the traditional sense, but dead beings get brought to life at the end of the movie (they return to being dead shortly thereafter) and also certain characters who were imprisoned inside objects get out
Two characters are trapped in a large urn at the beginning. They emerge alive and well, and are (apparently) in the form of sand while inside of it, but it still might warrant a warning. There is also a scene of characters trapped inside a car that is being crushed, and it is fairly claustrophobic.