What does it take to become a Stepford wife, a woman perfect beyond belief? Ask the Stepford husbands, who've created this high-tech, terrifying little town.
This movie contains 4 potentially triggering events.
SPOILERS: The robot dog is based on a real dog, but we later learn that the originals aren't killed in order to make the robots, so there's no reason to think the dog is dead.
There's no physical violence at any point. A woman mentions murdering her husband, but this happens years before the events of the film and we don't see anything on screen.
The plot of the film revolves around men offering up their (unwilling) wives for brainwashing to make them 'perfect' and controllable slaves. It's a creepy undertone throughout the film
Anyone who expresses doubt or questions anything about Stepford is gaslighted into thinking it’s the perfect place. After the barn dance, everyone (especially Walter) treats Joanna like she’s crazy for being concerned about a woman who appeared to have a seizure. Walter even accuses her of only being upset because she wasn’t listened to/treated like an authority figure. This movie can be pretty frustrating in how frequently Joanna is gaslighted/invalidated, so if you’re sensitive to this, maybe avoid watching.
Not really - we think a woman has a seizure but in reality something else is going on. The scene has her acting erratically and collapsing, worrying those around her, and may be triggering for some.
It's implied that none of the spouses were willingly experimented on and this can be seen as kidnapping. We never see anyone explicitly abducted, but towards the end of the film a woman is captured in a building and taken away.
there are no mannequins but there is a room filled with digital models of the wives shown towards the end which might be unsettling in the way mannequins are.
Joanna is at an inpatient facility after she has a nervous breakdown. It’s unclear if it’s a general hospital or if it’s specifically a psych unit, but she’s there for mental health.
Joanna is shown in her hospital room surrounded by bouquets of flowers after she has a nervous breakdown. It doesn’t look like a typical hospital room.
There’s a lot of homophobia in Stepford, but it is kind of covert. By that I mean the citizens of the town preach acceptance but it’s very clear their “acceptance” is conditional. Gay men who aren’t stereotypically masculine or who display any stereotypical gay traits aren’t welcome.
The women in Stepford are treated like - and become - sexual objects for their husbands to do with as they please. Traditional gender roles are heavily enforced/embraced and women are made to pretty much exist to please their husband/other men.
Not sure why people voted yes??? The ending is really positive! The protagonists escape, the brainwashed spouses regain control of their minds and Joanna and Walter's marriage is stronger than ever.
At the very beginning of the film (during the network presentation) a man pulls out a handgun and shoots at a woman, appearing to injure her. He is quickly restrained and we then learn that the woman was not hurt. We also hear that he shot six other people, four of which are on life support. There's no further mention of these characters afterwards.
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