JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Part 2 - Battle Tendency
Movie • 2012 • Action
Fifty years after "Phantom Blood," Jonathan Joestar's grandson Joseph Joestar investigates rumors about Speedwagon's death, ultimately becoming entangled with the revival of the Pillar Men, ancient humanoids of impossible power who are tied to the creation of the Stone Mask. Joseph ultimately teams up with Caesar Zeppeli, Will's grandson, and Caesar's teacher Lisa Lisa, who is linked to Joseph. They try to stop the Pillar Men led by Kars and AC/DC from obtaining a mystical artifact in Lisa Lisa's possession that will grant them complete immortality and bring about the end of the world.
This movie contains 38 potentially triggering events.
During the Wamuu vs Joseph fight, Wamuu inhales some oil and pieces of Caesar's burning headband, causing his body to explode and leaving only his head, which survives and talks for a while before also crumbling to ash.
A woman is knocked unconscious and remains unconscious for several episodes. While she's unconscious, she's carried around, hung by her feet from a rope over a spike pit, and used as an air guitar
Nazi guards force women to lift up their skirts for "inspection" then grope them. A Nazi general forces a servant who is shaving him to lick his face after she accidentally cuts him with the razor. I believe both are in the same episode.
In another episode a character initially appears to be fondling an unconscious woman's legs but he's.. doing something weirder
Ep 12: There is a shaving scene. The man being shaved puts the razor under his barber's tongue and threatens to cut it off (he is interrupted before he can continue). Ep 15: Joseph has his wrist cut by Wamuu and he is shown bleeding heavily from it.
the main villains have the ability to break their bones and distort their bodies unnaturally on command. accompanied by snapping/crunching sound effects
Episode 17. Esidisi's ability involves him lifting his fingernails and toenails up, and tentacles come out from under them. You see closeups of the nails peeling back.
Nazi soldiers mentally torment prisoners/civilians. The villain suffers a fate worse than death and his mind eventually shuts down. No scenes of prolonged physical torture are specifically shown
Season 1 Episode 23. (Battle Tendency Jojo's Part 2)
The vampires start insulting Wamuu and Lisa Lisa takes insult to it and claims that she wants to v word because of their actions. She said it at 10:52 (I'm using Disney Plus to watch)
An immortal character receives a fate where he is frozen and left to wish for an unattainable death with no human contact. You see him slowly freezing and struggling to free himself.
Althought no-one ever says any racist words, police officers make fun of a black character, but one get hit via a hamon infused Coca-Cola cap and both get beaten by Joseph. In the epilogue, Joseph hits a japanese tourist due to a bitterness he developed against Japan for unknown reasons.
Yes. Definetly. Absolutely. While the Nazis are originally portrayed in a negative light, one of them becomes a minor protagonist & ends up helping the protagonists win against the true villians… aztec vampires. While no one throws around slurs or is directly rude/mean towards a Jewish person, Nazis playing a role as protagonists is … off
There is police brutality towards a young black character in the first episode, they beat him with a baton and threaten to have him thrown in prison. In the Full Color Manga the policeman uses the phrases "stupid black kids"/"dumb blacks". Nazi guards make transphobic-sounding comments towards Joseph when he is disguised as a woman. Casual 80s sexism towards Lisa-Lisa throughout
Kars wearing a disguise walks through a city and a dog is on the street where a car driven by 2 drunk men almost hits the dog but Kars saves it. The car then crashes presumably killing the 2 men.