Morgan is a single mom with an exceptional mind, whose unconventional knack for solving crimes leads to an unusual and unstoppable partnership with a by-the-book seasoned detective.
This tv show contains 10 potentially triggering events.
I’m being a little presumptive, but one of the antagonists is a veteran and has extreme paranoia and instability, plus another character mentions that he was rescued from behind enemy lines
A character has been surveilling people at a country club and doing her own investigation of her boyfriend’s murder. Pictures are shown where the subjects clearly don’t know they’re being watched/photographed
First you see a gigantic tarantula tattoo, later in the episode (around the 20 minute mark, I’m not sure what the exact timing is) you see an actual tarantula. It’s when they’re showing the other exotic animals around that time mark, so when you see them skip ahead. The tarantula is shown again around the 39/40 minute mark. The scene starts at a tattoo shop, so when you see someone getting a tattoo, skip ahead.
Yes, large green snake right at the start of the episode, about 5 seconds into the episode.
Then again 21 mins into the episode, a green snake is shown up close.
A man is drowned in a bathtub in the opening scene. He’s shown struggling underwater and then dies. The whole scene probably isn’t more than 30 seconds or so (I’m sensitive to this type of thing and it didn’t bother me too much)
Two characters being assaulted is referenced several times. It may be triggering because the attacker faces no consequences for the assaults (police claimed insufficient evidence and one of the victims also lost her civil trial against him) and one of his victims is said to have died by suicide after she was assaulted
2 people suffer blunt force trauma to the head, 1 fatal (before the episode takes place), 1 not fatal. Neither are really shown onscreen, except for in brief flashbacks/recreations, but nothing too graphic is shown
You don’t really see the man die, but in a flashback/recreation-type sequence you see the assailant fire the gun and then see the man fall on the ground and close his eyes (dies)
A woman is kidnapped but you don’t see her being transported or anything. She’s shown bound and in a chair, then later she is bound with a blindfold when she’s rescued by police
In the opening scene, a man is shown in a bathtub and you see someone dressed in all black come up behind him. Then, the attacker is off camera for a moment and then grabs the man’s feet so he’s stuck under water. The feet grabbing is pretty sudden and there’s a moment of silence right before so it’s easy to predict. It’s a very minor jump scare in the scheme of things
Early in the episode Morgan decides on her outfit and picks up the baby who spits up on her. Mentioned a couple min later when the baby’s dad comes to take care of the kids.
No one is pregnant and no one dies, but one of the antagonists has been trying (and failing) to conceive and Morgan thinks she’s pregnant for a short time
Eh, sort of. A man scams an elderly woman into believing they’re going to get married so that she sends him money. We never see them together but he’s significantly younger and their relationship isn’t real
An elderly woman is seen in an assisted living facility and it’s revealed she has dementia. Her son mentions that sometimes she doesn’t even remember who he is and he’s distraught
A man is found dead after being shot (the gunshot isn’t shown onscreen) and people in a police precinct is held at gunpoint. One of the hostages is shot accidentally in a struggle but doesn’t die
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