In the first episode it seems like a dog will die but they don't. There are a few episodes later on that do have dogs that die or have upsetting situations involving dogs.
Referenced in a few episodes. Major fire scene in 10x01, 10x02. No one dies in fire on screen. Fire death implied in 1x12. Fire is a cause of death in at least, 6x01, 12x14
The inspector on the show drinks frequently, but it does not appear to have a huge negative affect on him. The main characters father, who appears in a few episodes (s1e6, s2e13) clearly abuses alcohol. Alcohol abuse is mentioned in many episodes
No actual possession, but there are two characters who at first believe they are possessed. Mentioned in 3x05. Most similar scene to possession, 10x10.
At least 2 episodes involve gay men being murdered (can't remember which ones, sorry). In season 9, episode 3, Lillian Moss, Emily Grace's girlfriend, is murdered, just as they're about to run away to England for a new life together.
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