Adolf Hitler wakes up in a vacant lot in Berlin, with no knowledge of anything that happened after 1945. Homeless and destitute. Although everyone recognizes him, nobody believes that he is Hitler; instead, they think he is either a comedian, or a method actor.
This movie contains 5 potentially triggering events.
Around the 37 minute mark up to the 40 minute mark Hitler gets bitten in the finger by a dog, resulting in him shooting the dog. Later in the scene they sit in the car and he pulls up the dead dog to you with his co-actor. Not pretty to watch.
The clip plays again in a Talkshow around 1:26:00 and they keep mentioning the dog's death throughout the movie.
Some scenes include a glitch in the protagonist's filming that causes the image to briefly distort with sudden white, wavy lines, like a malfunctioning VHS tape. Potentially triggering depending on your sensitivity.
Yes, first it is taught to Hitler because it is heard in a hip hop song on the radio and the main protagonist tries to convince him it’s used in a “friendly” way in the modern day. It is also used in later scenes by other white characters.
The producer smokes electronic cigarettes and Hitler notes that she takes a longer drag than usual when stressed. Addiction is not emphasized. Use your discretion.
There's a scene where Hitler visits some beekeepers, featuring a couple close shots of the bees. Hitler gets a bee in his protective suit and runs around, yelling.
Technically no, but strong possibility that this will be triggering for those concerned with this category. After being shot, Hitler stumbles backward off of a high rooftop and is shown falling. When the protagonist looks down, there is no body. Hitler then appears behind him, unharmed. It is afterward revealed that this is part of the movie Hitler is shooting.
After Hitler teases him with a dog's corpse, the protagonist pulls the car over to throw up. We see him bent over the hood of the car and hear some wretching.
After being beat unconscious, Hitler awakens in a hospital bed. Minimal depiction of hospital equipment and stitches. When the protagonist visits the hospital in a later scene to reveal that Hitler is real, he is pursued and detained by hospital staff (male nurses dressed all in white).
When attempting to reveal that Hitler is real, the protagonist loses control of himself and begins yelling, crying, and throwing things. Approached by a pair of nurses, he jumps over a hospital bed and runs. In another scene, an elderly woman with dementia sees Hitler for who he really is and confronts before screaming frantically for him to get out of her house. Both instances are debatable; use your discretion.
Hitler is shot in the face in one scene and blood trickles down his cheek. It is afterwards revealed to have been a squib on the set of his movie shoot.
The protagonist takes Hitler to a rooftop at gunpoint and shoots him in the face. This is afterward revealed to be part of the movie Hitler is shooting.
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The clip plays again in a Talkshow around 1:26:00 and they keep mentioning the dog's death throughout the movie.