Abandoned by his prostitute mother in 1920, Douzi was raised by a theater troupe. There he meets Shitou and over the following years the two develop an act entitled "Farewell My Concubine" that brings them fame and fortune. When Shitou marries Juxian, Doutzi becomes jealous, the beginnings of the acting duo's explosive breakup and tragic fall take root.
This movie contains 31 potentially triggering events.
Around 35 minutes in a very uncomfortable scene happens where a young boy is sexually assaulted by an older man. It’s quick and then cuts to another scene, but the build up is extremely uncomfortable.
There’s a scene where a woman in a whore house is being harassed by a group of men, but they are stopped by a main character.
In a scene a man is kissed dubiously and the man who does it is overall creepy
At several other times it’s implied that SA happens or is going to happen, but is stopped.