in the segment "Fur Babies" there are a number of badly taxidermied dogs, dog skulls, and fur scraps. No dog is shown on screen being harmed, and while dead dogs are frequently mentioned, none are harmed on screen. Dog death is talked about in vague to medium detail.
Sort of. Two dogs don't fight eachother, but two humans "dressed" as dogs are shown attacking other people with doggish noises. If you're sensitive to dog attacks, you might want to be wary of the "Fur Babies" segment.
If you are a dog lover you probably won't be comfortable watching the "Fur Babies" segment. While no dogs are directly harmed on screen, there are many depictions of taxidermy dogs and several moments you are lead to believe a live dog might be in peril. There are also some creepy scenes where the parts of deceased dogs are "repurposed" for very disturbing uses. I'd skip it.
huge part of the first segment. an abduction isn't shown on screen occurring, but it's the focus of an investigation, and the kidnapped babies are shown a bit later.
"Dream Girl" segment:
Around 38:33, 38:34, Tara vomits acidic fluid onto a man, lasts for just under 10 seconds. Happens after they leave her trailer and she yells "Slave Driver". Audio and visual.
"Live and Let Dive" segment
A large part of this segment is filmed on a body cam, so it gives a first person POV.
Around 55:55: a woman vomits after a character's arm breaks and the bone pops out. Mostly audio/off camera, but there is visual when the camera pans over to her. Look away for around 15 seconds.
Around 59:19: main character stops running and vomits onto the ground. First person POV visual (gross). Lasts a few seconds.
At the end of the Dream Girl segment, when action moves back into the sound stage. The Live and Let Dive segment includes bright lights, but not too bad of flashing until the end when a character finds a pickup truck.