Several years after the tragic death of their little girl, a doll maker and his wife welcome a nun and several girls from a shuttered orphanage into their home, soon becoming the target of the doll maker's possessed creation—Annabelle.
This movie contains 32 potentially triggering events.
The main child is thrown by a demon from a second story - we don't see any interaction with the stairs themselves, but everyone else assumes she fell down the stairs
Yes, at the beginning, a little girl (7 yrs old) gets hit by a car when she try’s to get a screw that rolls into the middle of the road and a car doesn’t see her, and another girl (Janet, 12 yrs old) dies after getting her soul stolen. She never got it back and was possessed for the rest of her life, so she basically died. She was 12.
Sort of. When Janice is left alone in her wheelchair someone, possibly a demon, grabs the wheelchair and just takes her away to the barn and throws her in there.
No direct slurs, but one of the able-bodied orphans freely admits to treating the disabled girl differently, and clearly believes she's justified in doing so
It ends with the weak girl who got her soul stolen murdering her adoptive parents (she was only 12 yrs old and got her soul taken because she was weaker- bad leg-wheelchair)
near the very start a little girl is hit by a car. It is not graphic (the actual moment isn't on screen) and it's fairly obvious that it is going to happen.