Mad Men is set in the 1960s, initially at the fictional Sterling Cooper advertising agency on Madison Avenue in New York City, and later at the newly created firm, Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce, located nearby in the Time-Life Building, at 1271 Avenue of the Americas. According to the show's pilot, the phrase "mad men" was a slang term coined in the 1950s by advertisers working on Madison Avenue to refer to themselves. The focal point of the series is Don Draper, creative director at Sterling Cooper and a founding partner at Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce, and the people in his life, both in and out of the office. The plot focuses on the business of the agencies as well as the personal lives of the characters, regularly depicting the changing moods and social mores of the United States in the 1960s.
This tv show contains 80 potentially triggering events.
The dog doesnt necesarily DIE but he is abandoned--turned out into the street alone in NYC. It still broke my heart so I'm saving you the pain. It happens in S2E6 Maidenform" near the end of the episode.
In Season 2 Episode 12, Joan and her fiancé attend the office, where he goes to have sex with her in Don’s office. She protests, and he persists. It is not a graphic scene, but does show the assault and some elements of dissociation.
A main character steps on a toy halfway up a flight stairs while holding a breakfast tray, tumbles down splatters food, breaks glass, but is ok and immediately recovers.
A child isn't listening and continues to play with a toy at the dinner table, leading to a knocked over drink. The toy gets thrown at the wall by the parent.
This is not something you would expect from the parent's character.
There are two deaths by suicide in the same manner - hanging. One shows the man's feet only. The other shows everything and is very graphic. The first guy also appears again though with ligature marks on his neck as someone hallucinates him. Very hard to watch.