Greg the Bunny is an American television sitcom that originally aired on Fox TV in 2002. It starred Seth Green and a hand puppet named Greg the Bunny, originally invented by the team of Sean S. Baker, Spencer Chinoy and Dan Milano. Milano and Chinoy wrote and co-produced the Fox show.The show was spun off from The Greg the Bunny Show, a series of short segments that aired on the Independent Film Channel, which were based on the Public-access television cable TV show Junktape.A show spin-off, called Warren the Ape, premiered on June 14, 2010 on MTV.
This tv show contains 62 potentially triggering events.
According to wiki information alone, the episode Quagmire (S03E22) features a dog's death. It doesn't happen onscreen but he's implied to have been eaten by an alligator.
'transvesvite' is used in an episode in season 1 or 2 (I don't remember which) but it's not said as a slur per se. It was jarring to me though so I think a warning is warranted.
It's a 'cops' style episode, they go into a crack house looking for an man and he's shown on the floor in a pool of vomit having overdosed. Season seven episode 12 'x-cops'.
In Season 9, the episode called “Scary Monsters,” Scully receive s a package in the mail containing a dad cat. He was the pet of a family where strange, paranormal things were happening, and the young boy was in danger. But then it turned out that... (Big Spoiler below! Scroll down if you want to read it - although I found it so upsetting that I never watched that episode again.)
...the boy was controlling all the paranormal stuff and directing it to kill people he didn’t like, as well as the cat.
In the season 1 episode "Gender Bender" a character has the ability to make characters want to have sex with them and uses this on several people - the sex appears consensual but the characters are in an altered state. Another character in this episode uses the same ability on Agent Scully to allow him to kiss her - he gets her on his bed but they are interrupted before it goes any further. She looks completely passive while this is happening and is clearly not consenting. She is disoriented afterwards but recovers quickly and none of the people this ability is used on appear to retain their memory of what happened to them.
The one that stands out the most for me is The Ghost Who Stole Christmas which was comedy ep with Lily Tomlin. It's a bit scary but mostly amusing at least for me
The episode "Kaddish" is full of antisemitism including caricatures, stereotypes, antisemitic speech, neo-nazis (who murder a man for being Jewish), distribution of antisemitic propaganda, mention of the holocaust, and a swastika/nazi flag.