Set in a remote Alaskan town that has been overrun by paranormal forces, the series focuses on local outcast Roman Mercer who must overcome the town’s prejudices and his own personal demons if he’s to harness his repressed psychic powers and save everyone from the mass haunting that’s threatening to destroy them all.
This tv show contains 9 potentially triggering events.
Ep.1: At around -21:17, the babies eyes move and Roman enters unnoticed, making the woman scream (Minor)
Ep.1: -21:05, The dead woman's eyes open suddenly, causing the woman to yell out in shock (Minor)
Ep.2: -19:36, the man sees the ghost of his dead brother and gets scared (Major) [List incomplete]
Episode 6 - when everyone is out in the forest looking for Abby, the sister Isobel suddenly wakes, gets up from her bed, then bites her finger & starts drawing on the wall with her blood
Pretty much every time someone dies, its not over a long time though so whenever someone starts hallucinating or when the guy sticks his arm into the boats machine, I recommend turning down the audio
E02: When the mayor and a policeman are looking for a man at his hut in the forest, the mayor notices his body hanging from a tree. It isn't shown suddenly, but gradually, introduced by the mayor's appalled look and starting with the body's dangling feet.
Ep.2: At -15:24-15:06, a man has his arm in a motor when it turns on, the amputation it not explicitly showing but blood spatters onto the camera, the man screams and the sound is very indicative, I recommend turning down the audio for that part
Ep.3: -39:14-38:45, A claustrophobic woman gets stuck in an elevator and starts hyperventilating when one of her colleagues tries to scare her (Not a full blown anxiety attack though)
Later in episode 2, a character named Trevor is mentioned. His death is described as an accidental drowning when a hazing goes wrong, and a dingy is flipped and he disappears
In a hallucination, a kitten dies very graphically with gore and blood. It is a very unexpected and disturbing scene and not something people who struggle with animal death should watch.
In addition to those already mentioned, in episode 5 a grub falls from onto the bar in front of the beer taps, then another, then as she looks up to see where they're falling from a whole bunch fall onto her face (which just grosses her out, nothing sinister). When they inspect the bulkhead where they find dead rats, more grubs are shown
After Sophia's son Marcus dies, immediately after the scene where she cries over his body on the morgue table she gets into her shower which starts off normal, but after a few seconds the water turns blood red (later attributed to rust)
Ep.3: -39:14-38:45, A claustrophobic woman gets stuck in an elevator and gets very anxious, her female colleague tries to calm her down while her male colleague messes around trying to scare her
Yes, though the first suicide, we see, a man who believed he was(or may have been) wrestling with a ghost, drive an instrument into his neck, though he didn't want to. (Episode 1)
There's another man who has hung himself (Episode 2)