During the snow/winter escape room, Mike tells Ben that he'll "give him the slap his parents should have" and a few minutes later, Ben tells Zoe that she acts like her parents "locked her in a basement until she did her homework" or something along those lines. Both Zoe and Ben are adults though.
I mean, they are shown that the people behind it know kind of everything about them, including, but not limited to, their most traumatic memories in very high detail, the way each of their rooms looks etc. so I'd say yes
No one is assaulted sexually but one has her name placed on her chest around her breast area by a male which she states most people buy her dinner first
A character is shown struggling to breathe while drowning. Multiple characters struggle to breathe during panic attacks. At some point a room is filled with poisonous gas (carbon monoxide i believe) and the characters are struggling to breathe, one of them stays behind and seems to die from it.
There is also a scene where a character watches as his friend dies in a cave colaspe from suffocation.
*SPOILERS* : Although he makes it out alive, the scene where a character is crushed by a moving wall would DEFINITELY still fall under this category.
No, but in the very first scene, a person is being squeezed to death between moving walls (and furniture), the walls quite literally closing in on him. The scene gave me some of the same feeling I get from buried-alive scenes. ----- SPOILER --- SPOILER --- SPOILER --- SPOILER ----- The person actually survives, but we don't know that until the end of the movie.
It only appears as though it is about to happen. The room starts closing in the the character seems to be inevitably squashed as he is caught inside of it
In a very high elevator shaft. The afternath is not shown and the viewer is looking fron underneath as it happens and the body is coming towards the camera. There is no injury or blood shown.
Amanda could be considered to sacrifice herself (she fell to her death down an elevator shaft to get a piece of one of the puzzles that let the other players move onto the next room)
The scene lasts for quite a while and results in the death of a character who, imo, was one of the most likeable. I’m afraid of some medical related stuff and this part of the movie stuck with me negatively for a while.
In the upside down room, the characters are in a room where the same song plays over and over, getting distorted at times. The characters repeatedly shout about how annoying they find the music. There are also noises that sound like a fax machine or dial-up machine
You'd be hard pressed (pun intended, haha) to find a more claustrophobia-triggering movie, not just because of the "compression room" and the entire premise of people being unable to escape, but also because of scenes of people crawling through air ducts (and panicking), as well as a flashback in which someone is trapped in a narrow opening between rock walls in a collapsed mine. The latter really got to me.
a character that can easily be assumed to be autistic is called "Rain Man" by another character, also another one says that she looks like she was "locked in the basement and forced to finish her homework as a child". I'm surprised that so many people voted no when this name-calling was there.
Not truly. The viewer is led to believe that at first when in a flashback someone is shown killing themselves (nothing graphic, the person just swims off in the freezing cold ocean) as someone recounts the memory, but it is later found out that it did not happen that way and the flashback shows what actually happened. So, is someone shown killing themselves? Yes. Is it what actually happened in the story? No. Is it graphic? Also no.
Someone else also sacrifices themselves to save others, thus this person chooses to do something so they can leave the place which later leads to them falling off from a high place as a rope-like object breaks under their weight.
A whole scene, in one of the last rooms (black and white room), it’s very intense and probably triggering for any light sensitivity disorders including epilepsy
Well no, but the brown guy does die first. And also the black guy is in the end made out to be a really bad person and (!!!!!spoilers!!!!) a bit of a killer. He does technically do it for his own survival but they really do make his character out to be a really awful one.
1. Two jokes about the shy character being like a mentally disabled person because she’s smart and introverted 2. Using of “crippled” As a physically disabled person it made me more roll my eyes than be uncomfortable but it definitely can be triggering to others
Well, let me get this straight, in the context of this film, which relies on the premise that characters WILL die, the ending could be considered kind of slightly hopeful (though the hope actually gets a bit crushed right before the very end) and maybe a bit uplifting. All around? No, its not happy, really messed up stuff happens to all the characters and especially to those who get further into the film. It does however end on a slightly higher note.
During a flashback, we see the aftermath of a plane crash with people dead and one sole survivor. At the end of the film, there's a scene where two people are trying to solve clues to stop a plane from crashing and right before it's about to crash, it's shown it's a simulation.