Sterling Archer is the world's most daunting spy. He works for ISIS, a spy agency run by his mother. In between dealing with his boss and his co-workers - one of whom is his ex-girlfriend - Archer manages to annoy or seduce everyone that crosses his path. His antics are only excusable because at the end of the day, he still somehow always manages to thwart whatever crises was threatening mankind.
This tv show contains 107 potentially triggering events.
There’s a couple of throwaway jokes mentioning that Sterling was a victim of statutory rape at the hands of his au pair but it’s described as him “losing his virginity”
Cheryl's pet ocelot Babou is shown to live in unsuitable conditions, without any toys and no enrichment. Archer himself takes notice that the animal is extremely bored, which is textbook neglect
archer is an alcoholic and pam becomes addicted to cocaine, cheryl sniffs glue, malory also appears to have a bit of an alcohol problem and krieger is a heroin addict
In a particular episode in season 9, a snake and many Komodo dragons are brutally killed. Throughout the series there are also several animal deaths as a result of Krieger’s experiments
no infact the attack osalat and the rabbit that had a brain chip implanted into it were both very happy, not to mention the lemur that was left locked in a room for a couple of years eating clothes to survive
In Blood Test (s2 ep3) Cyril is drugged via heroin to collect a sample of his blood unknowingly for a paternity test, and is later implied to be sexually assaulted by Ray and Pam while unconscious.
The end of the Danger Island arc in Season 9 includes Archer and company coming across a tribe of cannibals. Numerous references to cannibalism in the last 3 episodes of Season 9 especially.
Season 4, Episode 1 has numerous burns. At the beginning of the episode, a KGB agent has his face held next to a hot grill. At the end of the same episode, Archer and Lana hurl Molotov cocktails at other KGB agents, engulfing them in fire. Season 4, Episode 2 talks about another man being burned alive. Other assorted examples of this throughout the series.
The plot of the episode Swiss Miss concerns a teenage girl that has issues with hypersexuality trying to seduce Archer, with his co-workers taking these incidents out of context and thinking he’s a predator
The below is very misleading, Mallory is written out as having retired rather than dying alongside her actress. There are other family member deaths though, such as Woodhouse’s brother dying off-screen
We see a flashback in which Mallory steals a young Sterling’s bike in a misguided attempt at teaching him responsibility (it’s not destroyed but not returned either). And the main plot of the episode involves her doing the same thing as an adult with his car
Archer cheats on Lana in flashbacks.
Lana cheats on Cyril in a three-way on a mission.
Cyril cheats on Lana with Framboise.
Framboise cheats on Barry with Cyril.
Cyril cheats on Lana with Trinette.
Archer sleeps with a married woman in Polynesia.
Katya cheats on Archer with Barry.
Main cast attempts to get Archer to cheat on Lana with Katya (but he resists).
Archer sleeps with Veronica Deane while he and Lana are on a break.
Charlotte Vandertunt cheats on Whitney with Archer (Danger Island)
There is an episode in season 7 where the gang goes to an event/dinner party of some sort that gets hijacked by a group of criminals wearing clown masks
S3 E11 - After Archer drinks Cyril's scotch, Archer gets sick in the task can.
S5 E7 - After drinking two shots of snake alcohol, Archer gets sick.
S3 E12 - While training on a plane, the whole sequence is of everyone getting sick. You're safe once they get to the locker room. The rest of the episode of safe.
Yes, but in the final 3 seasons Archer becomes friendly towards trans and non-binary people, but this isn't out of character growth but a change in writing
There is a scene where Malory mentions 'Cyril's trip upstate', the show cuts to Cyril in an institution, wearing hospital robes, taking pills, and having a conversation with a drink machine about his s*x addiction
S4E8 seems to somewhat confirm that the title character is on the spectrum. And the thing is that yes he’s NOT a good person ,but it has nothing to do with his neurodivergency.
Idk if it's just me, but Archer does exhibit a couple of common autistic traits (including his vast knowledge on topics of his interest, the habilit of keeping track of how many shots he gives every time, also his weird lack of social skills)
There are multiple distasteful suicide jokes throughout the show and Katya jumps off the roof of Archer's apartment building to save him from his arch nemesis, Barry.
At the end of the episode the theme of Fargo plays because Pam's sister's actor plays in season 1 of Fargo. Barry then opens his eyes and makes performative robot noises at the audience
Both Mallory and Lana have arcs that depict childbirth. The actual birth appears offscreen, but both women are shown in the position used to deliver babies.
A character named Ramon fakes his death with two members of a Cuban hit squad. This same hit squad appeared earlier in fhthe series; while Archer did attempt to kill them, we find later in the series he was unsuccessful. Season 4 Episode 2 shows a heteroflexible character die (repeatedly says he's not gay "for other men," but has a crush on Archer).
Krieger is a very strange man and sexual deviant, and it’s heavily implied that one of them was having intercourse with one of his experiments which was a pig creature
There are occasional jokes about Archer having a Freud-like desire to bang his mom, and in season 8 there are a handful of incest jokes, but no actual incest is shown
Season 7 cuts off at a cliffhanger where the title character is believed to be dead or seriously injured. Subsequent seasons reveal this to be a coma, from which the character recovers from in Season 10.
In the finale of season 4 Archer drowns to save Lana, but is revived when the group gets back to the surface of the ocean. In season 7, Archer is waterboarded.