Explores the inner workings of an urban teaching hospital and the critical issues faced by the dedicated physicians and staff of its overburdened emergency room.
This tv show contains 82 potentially triggering events.
There is an episode around season 1 or 2 where a snake is loose in the ER. In Season 15 Episode 20, there is a brief scene involving a boa constrictor. It does not harm anyone.
Some ER patients are addicts. A main character is addicted to pain killers, this is a storyline in season 6 and 7. A main character's relative is addicted to heroin. During season 8, a baby accidentally swallows ecstasy. Marijuana is consumed by some patients and doctors. A main character uses cocaine in season 12.
There is a storyline involving a main character's cousin who is addicted to heroin. In season 6 episode 22, we find out that one the same main character is addicted to pain killers. His addiction is brought up quite frequently after this, and he ends up relapsing and taking pills; however he throws them up after and does not relapse again. A character in season 12 does cocaine. Another main character is a sober alcoholic who ends up relapsing in season 14. Several ER patients are addicts.
One of the Maine characters doctor Ross abuses alcohol in the pilot and periodically throughout the show. Intoxicated patients and drunk drivers are a regular feature
A few patients come in after having been assaulted/raped. A main character is raped in the last episode of Season 12. Another main character reveals in Season 8 that he lost his virginity to a much older woman at age 11. A main character reveals in Season 15 that he was raped as a child by a family friend.
One of the main characters gets an arm chopped off by a helicopter blade in the season 9 premiere. This scene is quite graphic. Another main character loses his legs. This is not shown on screen. The stumps are later seen in season 13 in a non-graphic fashion, bandaged. There are a few ER patients who require amputation and it is usually quite graphic.
Romano’s arm is severed by a helicopter blade in 9x01. Very abrupt and startling and with no warning. Had me reeling. Later on in the season a little girl comes in in a trauma and her fingers have been cut off and their stubs are spewing blood.
A main character is abducted by a gang in Season 11, Episode 10. She is later freed and does not get harmed. A main character is kidnapped and raped by her ex-boyfriend at the end of season 12. There are a few patients who have been kidnapped.
There are no ghosts, but there is an episode where people briefly talk about how the hospital might be haunted. This is not brought up again and the show has no supernatural elements.
In one of the earlier episodes one of the patients is a trans woman and the ER staff make various transphobic remarks about her; one of the nurses calls her a “sh*male”
Abortion is sometimes discussed regarding patients, and some patients go through with it. One of the main characters talks of having an abortion when she was younger.
The N-word is used a couple of times. As far as I can remember it is only used by black people, however there is a white, racist patient who has "Kill all N-words" tattooed on his arm.
There are racist and homophobic patients. One of the main characters who comes into the show in season 4 frequently makes xenophobic, homophobic, and misogynist jokes, however he is condemned by other characters for it. Trans characters are sometimes misgendered. There is a patient with a KKK tattoo, however they say they have changed.
The show itself is not anti-abortion, but there is an episode in which a primary focus is the bombing of abortion clinics; the doctors who perform abortions are compared to Nazis by one character. This character’s ideals are portrayed in a negative light.
There are frequently ER patients who are brought in suffering from gunshot wounds. A school shooting happens. There are two occasions where someone goes on a rampage in the ER and shoots at both patients and doctors.
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