A pet racoon dies. The death scene itself is not shown (Although it shows it struggling against something" before disappearing and dying off screen) but we can hear it and the body shows up later on (Tip: It's after Billy goes down the chimney)
Jane, the daughter, was abused by her father and earlier in the movie the mother, in a letter, says something like Jane will be Sam's mother implying Jane is Sam's bio mother.
our main character actually has a mental illness, the youngest of the house, Sam, was killed along with his other two siblings.
Someone puts a great many crushed up sleeping pills in someone's lemonade "just in case" another character comments that it's so much it could kill some one. This plan is not followed through.
no real v but billy gags a bit and makes weird noises that made me a bit uncomfortable. i would skip or mute from 1 hour 8 minutes to 1 hour 10 minutes
In actuality, this is one of the best depictions I have seen. I am a singlet but I watched with a friend who is part of a system and they resonated with it a lot.
The misconceptions that the medical professional holds is in keeping with the 1960s setting. The doctor believes that the protag is experiencing psychosis and prescribes antipsychotic meds. These go unadministered by a singlet friend who understands the system for who they are.
A newspaper indicates that a father abused his daughter. A man tries to justify his romantic pursuit of a younger woman by telling her his father was 15 years older than his mom.
No but a single newspaper headline is shown stating that a man 'abused' his daughter one of the characters. It is never mentioned again or gone into detail, but such a thing is implied.
Spoilers: It depends, but it could be seen as a happy ending in the sense that the characters find peace, but sad in the reality of what actually happened