A young married couple struggles to hang on to themselves and each other in the face of a rapidly spreading disease that attacks memory. How can you build a future if you are constantly rebuilding the past?
This movie contains 2 potentially triggering events.
The death is not shown, but a dog is given an euthanasia injection by one of the main characters, who is a vet tech, and it’s assumed the dog will die soon once the shot takes effect. She’s visibly upset that she had to do it and she pets him softly after the administers the shot. The dog does not show signs of discomfort or pain. This happens because a memory loss virus is plaguing the world and people are forgetting they have pets, so the shelters are filling up and if a pet is not claimed in a certain number of days they must be euthanized due to overcrowding. The scene is sad but the vet tech is an animal lover and the scene is done in a classy way. It’s shown to represent how sad the situation had become on multiple levels. I’m very sensitive to animal violence and this is still my favorite movie of all time. If I can handle it I’m confident you can too. It’d be a shame to not see it due to this one scene.
Kind of, it's never made clear what's happened to the dogs but a couple times throughout the film dogs are taken to the vets in cages as they've escaped or been lost
The scene was not explicit suicide to me. Yes, a woman jumps off of a boat, but it's not clear that she was attempting suicide nor that she died. She is distressed, trying to get away from someone in particular, and is yelling "Turn the boat around." After she jumps, you can hear the other passengers mention throwing the life preservers. Early on in the movie they mention a fisherman who jumped out of his boat because he was trying to swim home. In this scene, I think the woman was just trying to escape the boat, and it's not even clear that she died. Unless I missed something.
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