Technically yes because fairies have much longer lifespans so any relationships between fairies/humans have a large age gap. There's at least one kiss with this dynamic
Not electro-therapy per say, but in the seventh book, electric bursts from a gun are used to summon/de-summon the alter ego of a character multiple times.
Throughout the seventh book, Artemis struggles with a fictional illness that is a combination of OCD/DID/paranoia/anxiety/extreme guilt.
Throughout the series, Artemis tends to deal with symptoms reminiscent of anxiety attacks when nervous, more so than the average person. Though it may just be the writing style, some may still find it mildly triggering.
Arguably so, with the death of Commander Root. (All of the fairies are canonly people of color, despite the movie and book covers whitewashing them. For example, Holly is described to have nut brown or coffee brown skin, but the movie cast her as white, and the new covers by Goni Montes depicts her as white.)