The first story focused on Tai and Kari Kamiya four years before their adventure in the Digital World. It shows their first encounter with Digimon and what happened to them (as well as the other children). Tai and Kari wake one morning to find a Digi-Egg that came out of their computer the night before and the egg soon hatches, revealing a Botamon. The Digimon then evolves into Koromon and then Agumon (not the same one that became friends with Tai in the series, and yet, somehow, both Koromon and Kari remember each other), who then goes out and unintentionally destroys a good part of the neighborhood with Kari riding on his back. A second Digi-Egg appears in the sky to reveal an evil digimon, Parrotmon. Agumon then Digivolves to Greymon but isn't strong enough to beat Parrotmon and is knocked out. Tai grabs Kari's whistle and wakes up Greymon, who defeats Parrotmon and disappears with him.
This movie contains 3 potentially triggering events.
This isn't antisemitism, but some people may or may not be offended by Wendigomon, the primary antagonist of the last third of the movie. The wendigo is an important creature to some indigenous groups, but as I'm not a part of them, I can't say for certain if it's insensitive or not. To be fair, wendigomon is the result - in the dub - of being corrupted by greed.