In a magical universe, witches, warriors begin fighting in the name of good .vs. evil! At a magic school, five teenage girls are selected to defend the universe with their magic.
This tv show contains 15 potentially triggering events.
This is what Enchantix is all about, with Tecna being believed to be dead and Flora temporarily drowning before the magic river she drowned in reversing time and bringing her back.
In season 1, there is an episode where a boy has been taking photos of one of the protagonists without her consent. This isnt portrayed as a bad thing and is glossed over without the implications mentioned. the boy isnt mentioned again after that season.
2 characters pretend to be each other for most of the first season. Also one of the characters finds out they're adopted. One character is made to belief their destiny is to be a horrible person.
Musa's Mother passed away when Musa was quite young. This happens pre-season 1 but is talked about occasionally, with ot being taked about the most probably in Season 2 Episode 15. It is mentioned occasionally throughout the show.
But one of the main criticisms of the show is that the main female characters, who are teenagers, are drawn to be unrealistically skinny to the point of "appearing" anorexic (for SEVERE LACK of a better description).
In season 4, the protagonists cause a few crashes on intersections for being in the road. None of the known characters are involved and nobody is shown to be hurt.
In season 3, one of the characters almost drowns to death in a river to save her sister. She survives and is completely okay afterwards, but the scene is quite distressing.