After sending four hitmen to take out another character, Noho Hank gets four bloody boxes sent to him. He states the boxes contain the hitmen's heads. He then opens the boxes and confirms they contain decapitated heads. The contents are not shown on screen.
The fact that two mentally unwell fugitives, one of whom committed A LOT of murder, had a child at all is basically abuse. Barry and Sally both constantly lie to their son, isolate him, and keep him from having a normal life. Their poor decisions also put the boy in mortal danger.
Somewhat. In season 2, Sally’s abusive ex-boyfriend exhibits somewhat stalkerish behavior towards her, flying to her hometown, calling her incessantly, and forcing her to come to his hotel room.
1.-Sally used to have be in an abusive relationship, and she discusses this during season 2 un detail.
2.- Barry is emotionally and mentally unstable, which drives him to have violent lashes of anger that are very scary and realistic. The worst case of this is his behaviour thowards Sally on season three, which mirrors Sally's former abusive relationship.
In s3 e5, a character offers to (and describes in detail how he would) gaslight another character, including breaking into her house to take pictures of her while sleeping and "replacing her dog with a slightly different dog," in an attempt to make her completely break down.
In S4E5, a main character has a son who he intentionally isolates from everybody else his age. He shows him videos of kids dying and being injured in baseball accidents in order to scare him out of playing with the other kids. In S4E6, a child is drugged with alcohol.
Various drug-dealing mobs are involved in the plot, but we almost never see drugs actually being used. A very minor character smokes a joint in S2 E5. Besides that, it's really just drinks and cigarettes.
In S4E5, a character is shown and stated to be abusing alcohol. She drinks straight from a bottle of alcohol before driving and is noticeably quite drunk at home, but the actual act of driving under the influence is not seen.
In season 3 episode 8, a big cat (I read that it was a panther) attacks and eats people, then is shot to death. You never see it but you hear it groaning as it dies.
when barry is on the phone with sally she asks him to act out a scene from Doubt, where meryl streep confronts a priest that was molesting kids and makes him confess. Later on at the memorial "child molesation" and "molesting little boys" is mentioned numerous times.
No, but in season 1, episode 2, there is a scene where they talk about the movie "Doubt" with meryl streep. There are mentions of child mol*st*tion, and barry makes a joke about how he would "love to play a child m*lester." Later on in the episode there is a scene where they are practicing before the service for Ryan, and the word is mentioned a few times again, and Barry talks about how he thought the movie would be "funny like family guy ."
Several characters are buried alive in sand. One character survives this, but can be heard gasping for air and suffocating before he is ultimately saved.
A man gets shot in the temple and his head is shown caving inwards, blood spurts from his exposed skull and brain. Another scene has multiple people being thrown through the air by a grenade explosion and their heads slam against the white marble floor with bloody detail.
In season 3 ep 7 Barry is given beignets that are laced with a drug that induced a seizure, he is seen foaming at the mouth and is in a state of heaving for air and shocked for the next episode until he’s sent to hospital, then he’s fine after that but still a bit shaken and pale
The filing scene was the first time I've ever been bothered by tooth damage in fiction. It's absolutely horrendous, even though you don't see the teeth at all. The SOUND and the sight of the huge file going in and out of the mouth are... YIKES! It took me some time to shake it off.
In season 1 epusode 2, a character’s teeth are filed in order to coerce someone else into a job they don’t wish to complete. The scene lasts for about 20 seconds before ending.
In season 3 when sally is planing to hurt Natalie , she stabs an intruder in the back of his head which punctures the back of his eye which turns blood red from bleeding, seen screaming what did you do to my eye,etc very gorey
Fuches and Barry are kidnapped and tortured for a short period in the beginning of the first season. Especially emphasis on Fuches being physically tortured at one point and held there against his will.
YES! The first hit ordered is on a man who's been having sex with the "client"s wife. We even see footage of one instance of them having sex in a hotel room.
Season 3 episode 8 at around 12:50 a guard throws up after people are eaten by loud creature. You don’t see someone do it but it seeps through the door.
In several episodes, graphic torture includes graphic audio gore (teeth being brutally filed in s1, a big cat mauling two people to death [unseen, but heard] in s3, etc.)
Arguable. Something that is worth mentioning as a potential trigger but does not have its own category is that the first half of season 4 features *a lot* of police brutality.
In the season finale of season 3, a character uses electro shock conversion therapy on a gay character in a very graphic scene depicting this violence and homophobia.
No one has cancer but the word cancer appears twice in S1 E3. During acting class and then Sally makes a comment about someone having Leukemia towards the end of the same episode.
Someone walks in on Barry hurting himself and tries to console him. Barry's response is to provoke the person into beating him bloody until he passes out.
In episode 7, Barry imagines the reaction of his victim’s family to the victim’s death, and has what can be described as an anxiety attack. Necessary to plot.
As a once or twice off joke it is very briefly mentioned that one of the other actors in Barry's theatre group has a "stomach issue" that is hinted to be some form of disordered eating. The imagery or jokes aren't that triggering but there are audible sounds of him and others pretending to vomit or discussing vomit if that messes you up.
Absolutely! The obviously depressed, old-looking hitman, Stovka, shoots himself (just outside the frame) with a shotgun while sitting on a chair, falls backwards and is dead.
Barry himself suffers from severe PTSD which, as the show goes on, causes him to have panic attacks, violent outbursts and (SPOILER ALERTS) becomes an abuser to many characters including his girlfriend and his teacher.
A gay character is killed in S4E4. The act is not shown on screen, but the aftermath is seen from afar. The scene leading up to his death is extremely intense and upsetting. Another gay character is killed in S4E8. The act is not shown, but the character is shown dying on screen rather upsettingly.
The Chechens have tattoos and jewellery depicting Christian imagery, but the chances of that many of them being Christian are infinitesimal (the vast majority of Chechens are Muslim).
In s1 e4, a character is sexually propositioned by a potential agent (who then retaliates against their career later in the episode when they turn him down)
The only straight-up sex scenes are a video shown on a computer in the first episode and porn shown on a TV in the sixth episode. Both scenes are graphic but brief. Otherwise, there are lots of sexual references and some scenes that take place right before or after.
S1EP8 ends with the implied death of a main character. In S2, this death is confirmed. In S2EP8, a character goes on a shootout in a blind rage and then realized what they’ve done.
At the very end of S1Ep6, a car barreling down a dirt road is shot, causing it to flip before cutting to the credits. In S1Ep7, this is shown from the outside, the car flipping multiple times before ending up on its side on the side of the road. In S2Ep2, a character gets into a car, which is shot from the back. As they try to avoid the gunfire, they crash into a parked car. They are dazed but mildly injured and are able to leave the car.