(SPOILER) In season two episode five there is a dog named “mr lucky”- the dog is kicked at a few times and it whimpers a little bit. The dog goes missing after awhile and at the very end Yuri claims she and nanno found its body and dumps it on the ground (it’s just bloody but you don’t see the whole dog). I’m pretty sensitive to dog deaths but this one wasn’t the worst I’ve seen so I think most people would be fine.
Yes. Episode 11 and 12.
In Episode 11 a man is shown to abuse his wife and child in a car.
In Episode 12 a woman attempts to stab her husband but later gets pushed to the floor by her husband, ending in a pretty gory miscarriage.
Yes. Episode 1 and 10 and 12, and Season 2 Episode 1 and 3. ------------------------------------------------------------------
Episode 1 (38:45) a child is grabbed and slapped by her father out of anger. Episode 10 (19:00-20:51) a child is yelled at, grabbed and shook violently by his mother. In the same episode (32:00-32:50) the child is grabbed and smothered to death out of anger by his mother. And in Episode 12 (36:06-36:35) a man yells at and briefly hits his child away from him whilst abusing his wife. In Season 2 Episode 1 (42:11-43:30) A man contemplates choking his new-born baby to death, but eventually doesn't, this can also be triggering. Also in Season 2 Episode 3 (34:47-36:49). Minnie is squeezed and choked to death by her father in a nightmare. Minnie is also briefly hit by her father at the beginning of the episode (Around the 2:45 mark)
If you're sensitive to teenagers being abused, there is countless amounts of sexual abuse and psychological abuse throughout the show. The protagonist basically psychologically abuses most characters.
I think it’s when the guy escapes the dog cage he goes outside and sees mr lucky (the dog) and kinda runs up to him attempting to kick him and scare him. The dog whimpers a bit and then nanno lets the dog go. (SPOILER ALERT) YURI who I cant stand ends up killing the dog later and framing the guy then dumps the dogs body on the ground sooo
Season 1 Episodes 1 (Basically the entire episode), 2 (20:40-24:23) and 12 (31:43-32:30). !!Season 2 Episode 4 has heavy depictions of rape the actual rape scenes are (23:35-24:31) and (35:15-37:13).!!
- (S1 Ep1 shows a male teacher sexually assaulting multiple students including the protagonist.)
- (S1 Ep2 shows a group of teenagers drugging the protagonist and sexually assaulting her. She's raped by one of them.)
- (S1 Ep12 shows a male photographer sexually assaulting multiple young girls on video.)
- (S2 Ep4 Nanno searches through a girl's laptop and finds videos of other girls being violently raped, the rape scene is shown. in the second time-stamp, yuri has a flashback to her own rape, then orders two men to rape two girls, the men then kill the two girls.)
Season 1 Episode 2 (23:40-24:24). Nanno is choked to death while being raped. Season 2 Episode 3 (34:47-36:49). Minnie is squeezed and choked to death by her father in a nightmare.
Yes. Season 1 Episode 3, 7 and Season 3 Episode 3. ------------------------------------------------------------------ In Season 1 Episode 3 (31:10-32:00) someone attempts to break their own arm with a hammer-like object while trying to get out of a situation, then says her friend did it to her. This doesn't exactly show a broken bone, but it is implied that she broke her own arm. In Season 1 Episode 7 (15:09-15:41) A girl jumps out of the classroom window and dies, one of the students say "Her neck is broken", and it shows her dead body. Her neck is twisted slightly but honestly she just looks dead, not specifically from a broken neck. Also in Season 2 Episode 3 (29:54-30:54) Minnie is tortured and a man breaks her leg with a hammer, this scene is gruesome and shows the bone visible from the leg.
Yes. A kid gets hit by a car in Episode 1 (39:10).
A child is also smothered to death in Episode 10 (32:09).
If you are counting teenagers as children, there are multiple deaths in almost every episode.
[S1 Ep10] - Miss Aum, a teacher and former parent, interrupts a school assembly and shoots up the room before shooting herself.
[S2 Ep8] - Miss Wann, mother of Junko, gets her throat slit by her own daughter and bleeds to death.
when? the whole episode called pregnant is not something you want to see if you are afraid of v* . after maybe 15 minutes of the movie, the main boy character is sick at least 5 times after that till the end of the show. it really triggered me pretty badly.
Yes. Season 1 Episode 3, 12 and 13. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Episode 13 (10:10-10:40) a girl self harms in front of her boyfriend, it is also mentioned but not shown a few times after the scene so look out for that. Episode 12 (38:40-38:50) also briefly shows healed self harm scars on a woman's arm.
In Episode 3 (31:10-32:00) someone attempts to break their own arm with a hammer-like object while trying to get out of a situation, then says her friend did it to her, which can also be triggering.
No characters have eating disorders, but just a warning there are moments that may be triggering to those with eating disorders. In season 2 episode 7 there's reference to dieting for looks, and in s1ep11 a girl is considered ugly for being chubby and is only valued after she loses weight.
Many episodes reference suicide or depict one. In season 2 episode 7 for example there's a graphic suicide scene.
Spoilers: it's a faked death, but you're led to believe it's real.
in s1ep12-s1ep13 a pregnant woman drinks a lot of alcohol (while knowingly pregnant), gets pushed onto the ground, and it's implied that the baby inside her died because blood pours out from in between her legs and she holds onto her stomach in pain and collapses. Later on in the end, it's shown as a dream and that hadn't really happened, but the scene is still there, and very gruesome.
Yes. Season 1 Episode 13 (16:40-18:17). A woman is pushed over by her husband leading to a miscarriage. There is also an attempted miscarriage in Season 2 Episode 1, where someone punches themselves in the stomach, swallows pills and even attempts to stab their own stomach, which they don't end up doing. And the baby is born.
Season 2 Episode 1 (39:13-39:52). There is also an off-screen childbirth in the same episode, if you want to skip the entire hospital scene, skip from (39:13-41:53)
Yes. Season 1 Episode 1 and Season 2 Episode 1. ----------------------------------------------------------- Season 2 Episode 1 is a lot of attempted abortions such as punching their own stomach, swallowing pills and even contemplating stabbing their stomach, which they don't end up doing. This can be triggering.
Season 1 Episode 13 a woman has a miscarriage and later dies but this turns out to be a vision of mass hysteria. Season 2 Episode 2 there is a mention of a teenager dying whilst getting an abortion, the death isn't shown.
Abortion isn't explicitly said to be wrong, but a recurring theme is teen moms deciding to keep the child despite being pressured into abortion. It's always portrayed as a brave and positive decision.
Season 2 Episode 3 (6:40-7:12) and (28:35-28:47). Minnie gets in two separate car accidents within the same episode. The scene of the car accident is visited a few times through this episode, and depicts dead bodies and broken vehicles. If this is a trigger for you, skipping this episode is your best option.
Season 2 Episode 4 (37:50-38:38). A girl's head is held underwater in a bathtub until she drowns. Her dead face underwater is also shown around the (00:46) mark. And again around the (39:59) mark. Her dead body is shown leaning into the bathtub from afar in the first few seconds of the episode, as well as in the end few scenes after her drowning. So watch out for that.
Yes. In Episode 4 there is a Russian Roulette scene (37:07-40:16), where nobody is injured, but a gun is shown, in the aftermath of this scene, a man is holding the gun in his hand, but doesn't point it at anyone. Later in that episode a woman picks up the gun and points it at someone (41:20-41:48), but doesn't shoot, she gets hit over the head a few times and the gun falls to the floor. In Episode 10 there is a school shooting both at the beginning (1:10-1:32) and end of the episode (35:00-39:48), which shows death due to gun violence, including the shooter eventually shooting themselves.
In Episode 9 around the (14:39) mark, there is also a small gun shown on screen, which turns out to just be a toy laser.
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