Dogs appear as killable NPCs in some locations. During the quest Hazeel Cult, the player is forced to poison a dog if siding with the cult. The player must fight and kill a hellhound (demonic dog) during the quest Fight Arena and must fight and kill that same hellhound's ghost during the miniquest The General's Shadow. The player may be tasked with killing dogs, hellhounds or wolves when training the Slayer skill, and must kill wolves to complete the quests Carnillean Rising and Rag And Bone Man
During the quest Broken Home you encounter the ghost of a child who died due to his father neglecting him. There's an arguable case in the quest Tower Of Life where some alchemists create intelligent life and mistreat their creation. There may be other cases.
RS3 Only: The quest "Let them eat pie" involves lengthy audio of someone vomiting. You have the option of skipping it, but the first few sounds are unskippable unfortunately. Turning off audio is advised.
The quests The Elder Kiln and The Brink Of Extinction deal with a congenital learning disability affecting children born in the TzHaar society. The TzHaar consider these children a "disease on [their] society" and have them killed. The narrative (rightly) frames this as horrible and has the player oppose this practice, and it is eventually abolished (though only because the TzHaar decide those children are uniquely useful).
Cannibalism among demons is discussed on multiple occasions. Trolls cooking and eating humans is also discussed - it's not *technically* cannibalism, but it's a sapient being eating a human so I'm including it. Wearing the Asylum Doctor's Ring (not to be confused with the Asylum Surgeon's Ring) causes some human NPCs to drop "undercooked mystery meat" when killed, which players can eat - while the game doesn't explicitly state that it's human meat, it does seem to imply it.
During the quest Broken Home, the player visits the ruins of a mental asylum that has been empty and abandoned for a very long time. During the quest Kindred Spirits, you encounter a book where a character describes visiting this asylum when it was operating.
An antagonist has his hand cut off during the quest The Chosen Commander. Depending on player choice, some unnamed slaves may have their hands cut off during the miniquest Nadir.
There are a handful of usable in-game weapons that can be considered guns, though none particularly resemble modern firearms (I believe the closest would be the imcando pistols, which are no longer obtainable). Mechanically, they act just like crossbows.
No real-life drugs apart from alcohol feature, but the quest The Light Within prominently features a community of elves addicted to an imaginary drug-like substance. The actual use of the substance is not shown on-screen, but is discussed.
A community of elves ravaged by addiction to an imaginary drug are encountered during the quest The Light Within - only one of them is shown to be lucid enough to speak to the player. Though not explicitly stated, several characters are implied (or on rare occasions outright stated) to be addicted to alcohol, though this is rarely if ever touched on in-depth.
Dogfighting rings don't feature. Dogs can and do die in combat, and players can order some types of pets (including some dogs) to engage in combat, meaning it's possible for a player to order a dog to fight and kill another dog.
Some cat-like creatures appear as killable NPCs - generally these are more reminiscent of big cats (such as lions) than housecats, but I don't think that's true for all of them. A lion-like creature is killed during the quest Tai Bwo Wannai Trio and someone's pet panther dies during the quest A Tale Of Two Cats. No other cats die during story content as far as I can remember.
Dragons appear as killable NPCs in various locations. Some quests require you to kill dragons, including Dragon Slayer, One Of A Kind, and Curse Of The Black Stone.
Too many places to list. Some are larger than the player character. Additionally, when entering certain very dark areas without a light source, flavor text suggests that some form of bugs swarm and eat the player character, gradually draining your health until you leave the area or die. There are no visuals associated with this, and you will be warned if you try to enter one of those areas without a light source.
The player may fall when failing to traverse certain obstacles - this can be fatal. A charcter falls to their death at the end of the quest One Piercing Note. There may be other examples.
None in the game itself. You may encounter it in the chat, however - if you do you can report it and the offending player will hopefully be muted or banned from the game eventually. In the shorter term, you also have the ability to hide all messages from certain players, or hide all messages from players not on your friends list.
Not in the game itself. Players may try to say it in the in-game chat, but I believe it gets removed even if you disable the profanity filter (though I haven't tested it myself, so I'm not sure)
Downplayed. Combat doesn't generally feature blood and gore, but there are parts of the game that do. Most cases are relatively mild (blood splatters in environments, presence of not-very-detailed zombies, etc), but not all.
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