The first scene alone of episode 1 is incredibly gory - many people purposely and gruesomely run over by a car, some with their chests torn apart, others have their heads crushed.
The main character, the killer, is probably mentally ill and commits several violent acts. He is never "diagnosed" in the show, aside from someone asserting that some people just have a "black hole" instead of a soul. There are other characters with various mental health issues (OCD, depression) who are portrayed neutrally or positively.
The protagonist is a retired police detective. He is generally portrayed positively, but we do see that he acted unprofessionally in the past. The portrayal of most of the police in the series is neutral to positive.
No, but one character's suicidal ideation is discussed after she is dead. The main character sarcastically discusses the idea of suicide, but it seems clear he does not intend to end his own life.
In season 1, episode 8, the main characters search a deceased person’s old laptop and find a sound labeled “Spooks” uploaded to the computer. It is the sounds of people screaming loudly and in anguish.
The main character (the killer) is a victim of incest perpetrated by his mother. He refers to a physically and sexually abusive childhood, but does not go into detail. While not in the film, in the book we learn that the sexual abuse started when he was a teenager. We several times watch his mother initiate unwanted sexual contact, with him telling her "no" or "stop" and her continuing.
The mother of the killer has a substance abuse issue. (She's an alcoholic.)
The main character appears to have a drinking problem in the begining, but it slows throughout the season, though his level of drinking would not be safe in real life. (But binge drinking isn't.)
I was concerned about Fred the tortoise, but he survives and is never harmed or even particularly threatened. (I got nervous when the killer mentioned him in the first episode).
In the first episode, several people are killed by someone driving a car intentionally into a crowd. Two victims, a woman and her baby, are crushed in a sleeping bag when they cannot get out of the way.
A baby is killed in the first episode. The main character's little brother is killed, which we see in flashbacks. First the child chokes on food and suffers serious brain damage. Later we see the child at the bottom of a flight of stairs, dying. It is implied (and in the book it is explicit) that he was pushed down the stairs by his older brother.
In one scene a woman vomits as the result of too much alcohol. In a later episode, a woman has been poisoned. Someone forces her to drink salt water in an attempt to induce vomiting, and she then vomits a mix of stomach contents and blood onto the person trying to help her.
Off-screen, but a woman takes her own life after being made to feel guilty about her "role" in the killings. The killer explicitly tries to goad the main character into suicide.
In episode 4, there’s a side character at the electronic store who is a white nationalist. He calls one of the queer employees multiple slurs. He also is seen visiting multiple neo-nazi websites.
Yes, including several scenes between the killer and his mother. These scenes are upsetting, as the young man repeatedly asks her to stop and she won't. There is a moderately graphic flashback where the killer remembers being a child and watching his mother have sex with a man in their living room. There is a mild scene between the main character and his girlfriend.
The main character frequently pulls and points his gun at people, including while drunk, because he is paranoid about being stalked. He does not actually shoot anyone.
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