Twenty years ago in the sleepy mining town of Valentine Bluffs, a fatal mining disaster occurred on Valentine's Day while some of the crew was decorating for a party. The sole survivor of the accident killed the remaining crewmembers and warned the town not to celebrate Valentine's Day again. When a group of teenagers decides to defy that order, a murderous maniac in mining gear begins dispatching townsfolk in bloody and creative ways.
This movie contains 23 potentially triggering events.
the majority of the movie takes place in the mines. there is an explosion which causes fall of rocks and debris, during which all but one miner are killed, however this is only spoken of and not shown on screen. later, a similar rockfall occurs, and a character appears to have been killed but is revealed soon after to have survived
Only in the remastered version with added footage that was originally cut-- man gets pickaxe in the back of his head and out through his eye, his eye completely removed
i think it depends if you watch the original or the restored version. the restored version has a lot more gore (due to the age of the film, it isn't very realistic gore, but it's definitely threre!)
There's brief scenes of the miners showering after work. And it's not exactly a shower scene but girl is killed by having her neck pressed against a steaming faucet, her boyfriend hears the water and thinks she is taking a shower.
there are many sequences during the mineshaft chase scenes where characters will have their headlamps move in and out of the camera's vision, its not flashing per say but it could be harmful to some viewers
first scene depicts sexual content b*****s revealed) followed by murder, there are two other occurences of sexual content but it doesn't get particularly explicit.
A man is killed by having his face held into a pot of boiling water. He is killed by the combination of the drowning and burning.
A man also falls 50+ feet in a mine shaft down into water. It is assumed that he dies from the fall or drowning.