Ma hurts one dog and he’s bleeding. But you don’t see him die . And you don’t see her (ma)hurt the dog either. I think she just takes blood from the dog
Ma stalks all the teen characters (they’re a friend group that is introduced in the beginning of the movie that it focuses on. I believe there’s 5?). It shows her looking on their social media then getting more aggressive. To the point of a scene where she sends back to back texts to a character. She is very creepy
Ma's daughter is made to beleive she is sick (implied to be cancer). Ma even suggests cutting her hair "before it falls out"even though the doctors apparently think she is healthy.
Ma holds a gun to a teenagers head and forces him to strip
Ma also is attracted to the son of her highschool crush and kisses him near the end of the movie
Ma handles a character's genitals while he is unconscious/lays with a character's naked body after they are dead, and the plot twist involves a case of sexual assault (a girl performs oral on a character under false pretenses of their identity).