An eccentric professor invents wacky machinery, but can't seem to make ends meet. When he invents a revolutionary car, a foreign government becomes interested in it, and resorts to skulduggery to get their hands on it.
This movie contains 10 potentially triggering events.
No exactly. But in the kingdom in the story, children are banned, so the children have to live in an underground cave. The visiting children are caught and caged.
in the pretend land of Vulgaria, there’s a menacing ‘child catcher’ who runs off with the two main children in a cage. we also see many other children he captured, deserted in an underground cave
No, although two children are locked in a cage at one point. Also although we don't see inside the main characters must be carted into the castle in very snug boxes.
The Child Catcher could not be more of an antisemitic stereotype. The hat, the coat, the nose and ... well ... the child catching ... The fact that he's effectively a stand-in for the Nazis makes it even more disturbing.
No, but there are two jokes about doing so. Two characters, one of whom can't swim, are thrown into the ocean and abandoned but we see them again right at the end of the film so they survived.
In one scene a villain shoots at his wife while she is floating in the air. He pretends he is trying to help her down but is actually trying to kill her. Although the soldiers all carry guns, they never use them.
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