24 is an American television series produced for the Fox network and syndicated worldwide, starring Kiefer Sutherland as Counter Terrorist Unit agent Jack Bauer. Each 24-episode season covers 24 hours in the life of Bauer, using the real time method of narration.
This tv show contains 36 potentially triggering events.
(This list is taken from a separate emet page)
There is one scene to avoid in season 6, when Jack is forced to shoot Curtis (black guy). The scene happens after Jack has shot him, it happens as Jack walks away alone in the middle of the street. It’s graphic but doesn’t last long so you can look away for 10 seconds after the shooting and then it’s fine.
There are a few other scenes between season 1 and 8, but none of them are graphic as Jack always has an empty stomach because he never takes time to eat, so it’s always either white foam or liquid. The thing is, they happen so fast that by the time you realize it’s happened, it’s already moved on to something else and you’re taken away elsewhere by the pace, so it’s not traumatizing at all.
There a few scenes where you see Jack spitting blood, but it’s only spitting.
Season 1, in the first episodes, when the girls are kidnanned, one is given heroin but there is no v scene. In episode 20 or 21, when Jack enters an underground prison facility, he is arrested and shot with a Taser, and when he comes back to his senses he ruses to a sink. Later on, he is stripped naked and tortured and he v… but you see him from the back so all you see is him spitting liquid in front of him on the floor. This scene takes you by surprise but it’s only liquid and you forget about it in the next second.
Season 2, George Mason gets exposed to radioactive stuff and is told that v… will be part of his symptoms, You see him cough several times, either above a sink or in a handkerchief, but that’s all. BUT... In episode 19 at about the 18:30 mark, right after Jack is tazed, he is shown v* on the floor, it's pretty graphic. Skip to 18:45 and it's safe from there.
Season 3, Jack is hooked to heroin and is briefly sick once, when he is in a house where he is wearing a decontamination suit, at some point he rushes to a bathroom. I didn’t look so I don’t know what it shows, but you can see it coming. It doesn’t last long. Although the season is about a virus, there are no v scenes other than this one.
Season 4, two people survive a suicide by gas but no v scene when they start coughing after being saved. As far as I can remember, no v scene in this season.
Season 5, the story is about a toxic gas being released in the population but no v scene, just someone dribbling a bit of foam after an attack in an episode taking place in a mall.
Season 6, in episode 4 I think, Jack is forced to kill Curtis, see first paragraph.
Season 7, I can’t remember but I don’t think so.
Season 8, in an episode, Jack is captured by some russians who take him to the basement of a restaurant, where he is tortured, and there might be a brief scene. Then in episode 21, when Jack is badly torturing a russian, I think there is a scene, I didn’t look as the torture scene itself is pretty heavy.
I know that this list doesn’t invite to watch 24, but even though I cannot cope with a single v scene on screen, I watched the 8 seasons and it remains the best series I have ever seen. So if you are tempted, don’t fear the v scene, just decide to look away briefly when jack is hit by a taser or when he is being tortured, avoid the scene in season 6, and you will be fine…
I just watched the torture scenes in season 8 and there isn't anything to be worried about. The scene is heavy, but no one v*s. So season 8 is completely safe.