In a time when monsters walk the Earth, humanity’s fight for its future sets Godzilla and Kong on a collision course that will see the two most powerful forces of nature on the planet clash in a spectacular battle for the ages. As Monarch embarks on a perilous mission into uncharted terrain and unearths clues to the Titans’ origins, a human conspiracy threatens to wipe the creatures, both good and bad, from the face of the earth forever.
This movie contains 19 potentially triggering events.
Kong kills two flying snakes and eats one of their heads. It’s quite upsetting to any reptile lovers. A big robot godzilla kills a giant lizard by dislocating its shoulders and cutting it in half length-ways with a laser beam. It’s also upsetting.
Kong is kept in a containment facility, very obviously against his will as he repeatedly damages the building. He's held in chains on a ship and dosed with drugs. A person suggests letting him die because the humans are in danger.
Not quite possession but there is a psionic link involved with a character who is described to be in a trance during this period. They are shown on screen several times with their eyes rolled to the back of their head.
When the two apex guy and dr Lin talk near the beginning they do use the phrase finding “the word” in a haystack. Not shown just the phrase but worth mentioning
Characters are depicted as being stuck somewhere in a confined space and traveling in small spaces but they do not express feeling claustrophobic and the visual narrative does not linger in these scenes or shots.
I don't think so, but there's near-drowning. If you have a particular problem with drowning scenes, you probably shouldn't watch the movie - or you should skip the whole part with Kong on a ship, which is pretty long.