In a world where death is finally conquered and people can live forever, a cop (Darius, 120yo) and a young woman (Christa, 24yo) must investigate the mysterious suicide of seven teenagers. With the promise of eternal youth, why would a group of teenagers commit such an act? Was it a cult? A political act? The two will embark on a mysterious and dangerous investigation from which there will be no turning back.
There are a few dogs appearing momentarily throughout the show, all German or belgian shepherds, but none are shown to die. The only thing that comes close is when Christa observes a kind of memorial wall where a chap has a framed photo of all of his previous dogs, Christi counting them as she wanders along, then turning to the live dog that had appeared playfully in the doorway & states '21', indicating the man had 20 shepherds (1 at a time) prior to his current 1, a reality of living extended lives.
Ep.2 Christa is served up a plate of meat of unknown origins, later when the police are raiding the place they find a room with a cage of live rats & pieces of presumably butchered rat flesh hanging nearby.
It is revealed that the original 7 dead minors washed ashore weren't in fact suicides but murders, as there is some dodgy stuff going on where an organisation (or group?) has been kidnapping minors (under 30's) & murdering some but gunshot to the head & doing weird things (or experiments maybe) to others with the 'regeneration' process whereby they turn into the weird little dead slug creatures.
Suicide is a recurring theme (discussed & enacted) of this series in a world where life has in effect become eternal. If suicide is a trigger I'd recommend not watching. There is suicide by jumping from a cliff (with a distant shot of the body at the base) and numerous suicides by gunshot, the worst of which is a scene at the start of episode 5 where a group of young people standing in a circle take part in a mass suicide, shooting themselves in the head.
Nothing over the top, only realistic amounts (I'm guessing!) of blood when necessary (such as gunshot splatter, a few arterial squirts and subsequent pooling of blood from a stab wound to the neck). Also a little bit of brain matter evident after some of the suicide shots to the head.
Not too much. Nothing too graphic shown, sometimes only alluded to. At the very start of episode 1 the main character Darius gets a bit of action in a bar/club with a woman he's just met, then again in the final episode when there is a brief scene of fully clothed oral sex (Darius & his wife) which then cuts to the 2 of them sleeping naked in bed (their bits covered with bedding)
Numerous 'minors' die, but in this series anyone younger than 30 is a minor so most who die are late teens or twenties. The main character Darius has a flashback in episode 4 to when his son died receiving the same experimental 'regeneration' treatment that he himself had just awoken from.
While not used in any fear-inducing manner, insects have become a standard part of the routine diet, even appearing on an old restaurant sign 'specialising in insects' (or something along those lines)
Not much - ie there's no shoot-out battles, but there are a lot of deaths by gunshot to the head (both self-inflicted & execution-style) & a scene where a lady shoots an officer in the chest at close range (who manages to survive) & a young man in the mouth (who subsequently dies)
It's a future where humans can live forever & the need for new generations (ie babies/children) is deemed unnecessary. While not gone altogether, the only reference to childbirth is when Darius' wife discovers she is pregnant.
Right at the very start; the main character Darius is interacting with a woman at a bar/club & end up having sex. Darius then has a 'regeneration' session to clear up the claw marks on his skin before returning home to his wife.
Episode 3 - Christa goes to a shop to buy a weapon, casually checking out several glass snake enclosures & the inhabitants. No nightmarish snake scenes though.
In ep.2 Christa is offered a mystery drug in the form of a black pill (kinda like a black jellybean) which she must take to earn the man's trust & further the investigation. The effects are almost immediate & she goes on some sort of trip, coming back to her senses the next morning on a bus. It was a fictional 'methyl-type' drug. Later on she manages to swipe a bunch of these black pills from the police evidence & offer them to a fellow resident at her psych house in return for a weapon. This aside, I dont recall any other drug taking
There's a moment in the final episode where the main character Darius is having a scuffle with his corrupt colleague who tries to gouge at Darius' eyes, but nothing more than a bit of finger pressure is exerted & Darius is able to get up & blink the irritation away, no damage done.
Ep. 2 when the police are raiding the place Christa was take to they find a room with a large cage of live rats & butchered rat flesh... no animal deserves that horror