Haruka, the little girl the protagonist adopted in the first game, is now around 12-13 years old. She is clearly drawn to be almost cartoonishly "pretty". At one point she wakes up an escaped convict who lashes out and climbs on top of her without realising what he's doing. He then hovers over her, sweating and seemingly holding back the urge to rape her. As she gets up, she brushes her skirt down over her legs. It's a sexually charged scene.
There is a moment where one of the main characters (who has just gotten out of prison) stares at a girl and spends an uncomfortable amount of time hovering over her after accidentally knocking her to the ground. Nothing actually happens, but the scene is worth warning about.
Haruka, the little girl the protagonist adopted in the first game, is now around 12-13 years old. She is clearly drawn to be almost cartoonishly "pretty". At one point she wakes up an escaped convict who lashes out and climbs on top of her without realising what he's doing. He then hovers over her, sweating and seemingly holding back the urge to rape her. As she gets up, she brushes her skirt down over her legs. It's a sexually charged scene.
One of the protagonists takes a call from a colleague who at one point says she's worried she might be raped. He laughs off this idea. It's implied that he's saying this because she's overweight, but later it's revealed that it's because she's a formidable fighter.
A woman approaches a man to borrow money. As a test to prove herself worthy of the money, he makes her work as a hostess in his hostess club, putting on attractive dresses and makeup. He later kisses her, but then apologises for his behaviour.
It is implied Haruka suffers some form of PTSD following watching Kiryu being stabbed at the end of Yakuza 3. When the perpetrator appears in this game, Haruka freaks out.
No, but the player can go to the Earth Angel gay bar, where the bartender - Mama-san - is a large trans woman with stubble, wearing a dress. She is portrayed sympathetically in the sequel, where she has a larger role.
A character who has spent much of his life in prison is shown suffering from anxiety and discomfort on the outside, but not to the level of an anxiety attack.
A character who has spent most of his life in prison is shown to struggle adapting to the outside, but it's not described or shown as a mental illness as such.
The first part of the game (Akiyama's section) has a major plot point involving a venue which is consistently referred to as a "[t-slur] bar" in the English translation. This was altered in the remaster to remove the use of slurs (including having the spoken Japanese dialogue rewritten and re-recorded), but the plot remains overall unchanged.
One of the protagonists is motivated by the death of his father, which occurred offscreen before the game started.
Another of the protagonists was raised as an orphan, but his parents are not shown.
During combat, the player can sometimes use super moves to stamp on or punch the heads of people lying on the ground, but their heads are never shown to be "squashed" or really damaged, and these moves are never fatal despite their brutality.
One of the playable characters is a cop, but he's shown to be at least somewhat corrupt (albeit with a "heart of gold").
Several of the antagonists are corrupt police officers.
One of the recurring characters from the series is a good cop and a friend to an ex-Yakuza, although in this one he's retired and is a bartender.
Haruka, the little girl the protagonist adopted in the first game, is now around 12-13 years old. She is clearly drawn to be almost cartoonishly "pretty". At one point she wakes up an escaped convict who lashes out and climbs on top of her without realising what he's doing. He then hovers over her, sweating and seemingly holding back the urge to rape her. As she gets up, she brushes her skirt down over her legs. It's a sexually charged scene.
There is a flashback cutscene where one of the main characters are chained to a structure and his eye is gouged out. It isn't explicitly shown, as the attacker hides the actual removal with his body in the camera shot, but there is audio.
One of the side characters, Hana, is the subject to a few jokes in reference to her weight, explicitly or otherwise. She is then subject to the trope at the end of the game where she loses weight as a form of development.