A Victorian-era Toronto detective uses then-cutting edge forensic techniques to solve crimes, with the assistance of a female coroner who is also struggling for recognition in the face of tradition, based on the books by Maureen Jennings.
This tv show contains 35 potentially triggering events.
In s08e16, titled "CrabtreeMania," there is a scene where a character is at the barber getting shaved with a straight razor. (There is no blood or cutting.)
While none of the possessions are presented as "real" possessions, there are multiple episodes with "Jekyll & Hyde" type plots. Also, in s10e10, titled "The Devil Inside," the plot involves a character who believes he is possessed by the devil and/or the lead detective's arch nemesis who is believed to be dead.
Season 5 episode 12, a main character is stalked by a former partner. stalker is stopped by the end of the episode
The end of season 7 involves main characters being stalked and threatened.
Heroin and Cocaine are legal in this time period, and are used medicinally by several characters in some episodes. 9x08 involves opium use by many characters.
There are multiple on-screen hangings, as well as regular discussion of hangings, throughout the series. These include both suicide and capital punishment of both guilty and innocent prisoners.
Season 8 episode 12, A main character falls and breaks their wrist. The injury is not shown on screen, we only see the character wearing a cast afterwards.
In s08e18, titled "Artful Detective," the plot revolves around solving a case involving multiple deaths where thumbs have been cut off the victims and/or left at the scene of the crime.
Season 3 episode 4, a child is kidnapped, returns safe
Season 4, episode 11, young teenage girls are coerced into spending time with a 'vampire' older man.
Season 5 episode 11, child kidnapped, returns safe. adult main character is kidnapped. See warning on being buried alive
Season 6 episode 1, adult recurring character, escapes with help, minor injury
Season 6 episode 13, adult main character is kidnapped.
Season 9 episode 18, adult main character is kidnapped
s16e12, "The Porcelain Maiden" - at approximately 17:34 a man being questioned by Murdoch gets sick (having just been shown a photo of something which upsets him) -- he ducks out of frame so there is audio but no visual... HOWEVER, at about 20:44 we *do* see the remains. It looks pretty fake, but it is stepped in, talked about briefly, and interacted with (though never up close) for the rest of the scene (about 22:08) ... quite the escalation from a show that's been relatively emoto-free for 16 years
Specifically, S3E3 deals with the murder of a trans man in the 1890s, and as a result of a lack of awareness and acceptance the victim is constantly misgendered. If this is a trigger, avoid S3E3
Centered around a group of people who put their bodies into near death states by holding themselves underwater as a medical experiment. Some people do drown and died.