A comedic thriller that follows the bizarre adventures of eccentric “holistic” detective Dirk Gently and his reluctant assistant Todd. An adaptation of Douglas Adams’ wildly successful comic novels.
This tv show contains 50 potentially triggering events.
In episode two of season two, a dog is killed offscreen. There are no whining noises, just the sound of continuous barking cutting off and a thump that is presumably the body falling. The body is not shown.
There is a scene where two main characters are in a maze completing tasks to get out. One of these task rooms has walls that close in and the two characters panic and frantically try to escape being crushed. They get out alright but if crushing is a trigger this could definitively be upsetting.
Season two has a character who starts out as having a limp (and other “undesirable” body traits). She acquires a magic wand and uses this to “cure” her disability and give herself abs, a makeover, etc.
An important part of the show is the fictional illness “pararibulitus” wherein two main characters experience full sensory hallucinations which feel completely real and most often painful. Other characters are shown to be “unhinged” which may allude to mental illness in a negative light.
It is not shown, nor explicitly discussed, but a man mentions having a rough childhood. Notably, drawings he made all over his room were covered up with wallpaper as a punishment.
dirk is stalked by a government/military organization and for a very brief period of time , farah is watched by people intending to kidnap her (they are successful) ,
while talking on the phone gordon also briefly mentions he can feel that someone is watching them
A man violently murders a woman who used to be his lover out of possessiveness in the first season. Season two a woman kills her husband during an argument.
Todd’s landlord in the pilot is implied to regularly use drugs in addition to making and selling them. Amanda is shown smoking weed in early episodes—it’s implied she does this to help ease her pararibulitis. In season two, Tina references a “ten to fifteen year dark period In which she experimented with some pretty heavy drugs.” She also eats a weed gummy.
A hammerhead shark is mentioned several times throughout the first season. In episodes 5 and 7, the soul of this shark is shown (as a glowing outline) 'swimming' through the air and killing people.
in season 2 a character gets cut in the face with a giant pair of scissors , a large bloody cut is clearly shown (multiple characters are cut with giant scissors throughout the season)
in the beginning of season 1 a character gets kidnapped and is held down on a bed while being interrogated. when they stop responding to the questions they are electrocuted (it is very brief and not show for more than a few seconds)
in the beginning of season 2 a character is captured by blackwing and put through a series of tests when they fail they get electrocuted or a colored goo is shot at them (usually in the face) other characters are held in rooms by blackwing under uncomfortable circumstances but there is nothing graphic or extreme
i am usually very sensitive to these things but no instance was very disturbing for me
maybe ? there is a lot of gore especially in season 1 (bloody dead bodies, bodies torn in half/limbs torn off , etc) it depends on what you consider excessive but there is quite a bit
during season 1 souls are taken out of their bodies and put into other bodies when this happens there is a brief period where the bodies go limp and the souls haven't settled into any physical being yet (the concept of floating souls may be why some voted yes)
[SPOILERS] there are multiple 'good guy' police characters in both seasons (the 2 missing persons guys in s1, hobbs and tina in s2) but also law enforcement and government shown to fight for immoral causes and be unjustly violent (sometimes due to mind control) (friedkin, blackwing, nathan and weedle)
In multiple occasions throughout both seasons Dirk and other Blackwing subjects are referred to either by their project title or a name other than the name they go by. this is shown to distress Dirk.
blackwing contains " gifted " individuals usually against their will and perform experiments on some of them to try to understand how their brains work (it is not self proclaimed as a mental institution but may be triggering for some)
[SPOILERS] in season 2, a middle-aged man is confronted with something that reminds him of severe his childhood trauma and turns briefly violent before passing out due to a heart attack. aside from him, no one is physically harmed but a sense of fear and tension is created
there’s no autism specific abuse but all of the characters who get abused for their ‘powers’ ie biological differences from the rest of humanity, are autistic coded/have a lot of autistic traits so it could potentially be triggering
The entire show revolves around things being inherently connected through the universe. This frequently upsets characters as they figure it out. Season two has an alternate reality created out of a young boy’s imagination and drawings. S2 E4 has a main character enter an alternate version of the house he is in, one which is confusing and unreal. He is then pursued through the house in a tense way where the pursuer is not shown, before he escapes.
no one says those words, however a character briefly aims a gun (?) at his head in season 2 with genuine potential intent of suicide. the topic is not joked about anywhere in the series
not necessarily but in season 2 a physically disable woman uses magic to cure her limp and give herself abs it is portrayed as comedic and miraculous but may be triggering for those struggling with body image
No one kills themselves, but there's a brief moment near the end of the second season where a man is talking about how he made a lot of mistakes while he's holding a gun to his temple. He ends up moving the gun away a few seconds later and not doing anything though.
Big yes. One character is a serial killer who kills in any way she can, it's often very violent and graphic. Multiple violent bloody fight scenes throughout the series. I try to cover my eyes whenever this is going to happen but have still seen quite a lot.