Amidst the political conflict of Northern Ireland in the 1990s, five high school students square off with the universal challenges of being a teenager.
This tv show contains 35 potentially triggering events.
episode three opens with erin talking about her dead dog and a lot of the episode talks about him being dead, but it's revealed at the end that he's alive.
Granda bullies the dad a lot, and in S1E5 the grandpa convinces the dad to be rude to someone, which makes them cry, then everyone blames the dad even though the grandpa was the instigator.
Not intentionally, but weed scones that were made for a group of friends are accidentally distributed to an entire wake, leading to the drugged people behaving differently.
S3 EP6 Clare's dad has an aneurysm and dies pretty suddenly. You see the girls all together in the hospital, supporting Clare, and later, accompanying her as she walks behind the coffin
S3 EP6 is full of clowns starting from 17:13 till 22:33
What happens during this lapse of time is : Clare goes to find Laurie who told her she'd be wearing a clown costume but when she gets there it turns out everyone is dressed as a clown. The gang begins to unmask everyone in the room, until James unsmasks a scary clown who turns out to be the man he was supposed to fight, who got in by taping the tickets back together. While trying to escape him, people realise James has been faking his broken leg and Fifi calls security on them. As they're getting thrown out, Laurie runs into Clare and tell her she was planning to kiss her that night. They kiss, and then agree to take it slow and see where it goes. The gang is taken out, and Laurie goes back to the show
No there isn’t any however in season 2 at around 18:40 they're crumbling up scones and putting them in the toilet and shows a shot of it and it looks a bit like sick, just be cautious (idk if this is triggering or not but just making sure)
not specifically, but they do make jokes about the guy in the friend group, like how he's "not a man," gay, feminine, etc. so if you're sensitive to those kind of jokes, bear that in mind
EDIT: nevermind, there is a scene in season 3 episode 2 where they perform as the spice girls, the guy wears a dress and a wig to perform. i cant tell if its supposed to be a joke or not though lol
No, but in S3E6, Clare (a main lesbian character) finally meets another lesbian, and when they kiss, literally ~30 seconds later Clare is told her dad is in the hospital, who dies offscreen the next scene. The death didn't even have an emotional impact (the dad had practically zero screentime throughout the show, and Clare's grief is only briefly shown), so it just felt like a punishment for Clare, in a way very akin to an immediate 'bury your gays.' This is compounded by the fact that Claire spends nearly all of S3E7 (the show finale!) separate from the friend group, and no other reference is made to LGBTQ+ topics.
RELIGION: The Troubles were a religious conflict between Catholic and Protestant groups. S2E1 particularly has direct verbal conflict between the two groups, but all instances are pretty minor and meant to be played as comedy.
HOMOSEXUALITY: low spoiler version - James is teased throughout the show for being an effeminate, straight man. S1E8 is about an anonymous gay person. Some under-informed comments are made, but not with hatred in mind. Throughout S2, comments are made that are meant to be humorously uninformed and not hateful. High spoiler version: S1E8 is about the gang wanting to run a story about a closeted lesbian classmate in the school newspaper. The school objects on religious grounds, and the gang stands by the story just to stick it to the school. Nothing really hateful is said by either side, but both are rather ignorant. When Clare comes out to Erin by revealing that she wrote the story, Erin initially reacts negatively. They make up by the end of the episode. Season 2 continues with comments that are ignorant but well meaning and generally played for laughs. Most often, any queer person is referred to as “one of Clare’s kind” despite her having never met another queer person.
It’s unclear; Clare’s father has an aneurysm and dies but we aren’t told whether it’s a cerebral aneurysm or occurred elsewhere in the circulatory system
Not exactly, but there is talk of the Chernobyl accident and several Ukrainian students come to Derry for refuge. This could be triggering for some people.
The show takes place during The Troubles, which was an armed conflict. There are descriptions and news clips of street occupation, but no overt shooting.
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