An adrenalized drama with darkly comedic undertones that explores a notorious outlaw motorcycle club’s (MC) desire to protect its livelihood while ensuring that their simple, sheltered town of Charming, California remains exactly that, charming. The MC must confront threats from drug dealers, corporate developers, and overzealous law officers. Behind the MC’s familial lifestyle and legally thriving automotive shop is a ruthless and illegal arms business driven by the seduction of money, power, and blood.
This tv show contains 42 potentially triggering events.
I've heard a dog dies in S2 E8 and S2 E9 but I don't remember, S5 E13 there is a dead dog in the dumpster, and a character's dog died offscreen before the show's events
Character gets hand slammed in van door, S4 E10. I think S7 E7 classic finger in a box. Chucky's fingers are amputated offscreen, you don't see or hear anything it's just mentioned
Venus is a transgender character introduced in S5 and some members of the club say potentially transphobic things that I don't remember. I don't think they're very harsh or said to her face. They poke fun at a character for fancying her
S1 E4 I don't know if she's hit onscreen or if she only says he hit her (Susie), S4 E10 pretty bad fight, S5 E12 they're not together but a character forces drugs into their ex's arm it's disturbing
S1 E3 (r*pe offscreen) S1 E8 (attempted r*pe) S2 E1 (r*pe) S5 E6 (2 characters are forced in bed but it is stopped) S6 E1 (r*pe and mention of it about a daughter to her father in a taunting way)
A character almost hooks up with his half-sister before either of them know they're related. I think Gemma kisses Jax on the mouth a couple times which some might find weird. In S5 a woman is in love with her half-brother