A teenage girl is raised underground by a robot "Mother", designed to repopulate the earth following an extinction event. But their unique bond is threatened when an inexplicable stranger arrives with alarming news.
This movie contains 22 potentially triggering events.
Hillary Swank has a dog - we do not see the dog get hurt. One can assume that it is hard for a dog to live in a post apocalyptic World - however, we do not see the dog die or suffer in any way.
Not abducted, but there are a lot of embryos in a storage facility, ready to be grown into humans. We do not learn where these come from. Also, and infant child is rescued
Not intentionally. There is a character with a dog, and this character is implied to be killed offscreen, which will leave the dog alone as she is the only person seen to be caring for it.
Not in the end, although the main character does struggle a lot to understand and decide upon her complicated feelings towards Mother once she realizes what the AI has done.
The mouse that is killed (as other trigger comments have mentioned) is not a pet, and although the MC is very intrigued by and upset by the mouse's death, she does not have it for very long or grow attached in any significant way.
Someone accidentally gets a cut on their throat during a scene, but it supposedly wasn't intentional, and an accidental cut on a hand, but nothing intentional and no shaving.
Someone has surgery performed on them without anesthesia. The patient insists on being awake for it but it's still disturbing - lots of screaming.
Later on, someone tortures the patient by pressing down on the surgery site to get information out of them.
Only four characters appear onscreen, three are humans all of different ages, three are female, the only male is a baby, there are no romantic relationships at all.
After performing surgery, she leans against a wall and coughs but she doesn't actually get sick. I'm not sure what the other person is referencing with the sink ... If there was something, I missed it completely - and I'm rather badly emetophobic. I would say this film is safe.
A syringe is shown but is not inserted in anyone's body.
Later on, around 47 minutes in, there is a close up shot of a long needle-like drill penetrating an open wound in a woman's hip.
When she goes back into the compound (or whatever it's called), the flickering lights are TERRIBLE and it goes on and on for the rest of the movie. Very unnecessary and excessive. My eyes physically hurt now and I'm overstimulated. I would NOT recommend this to folks with epilepsy or sensory sensitivity.