A gritty, action-packed crime drama set during the brutal Tong Wars of San Francisco’s Chinatown in the second half of the 19th century. The series follows Ah Sahm, a martial arts prodigy who immigrates from China to San Francisco under mysterious circumstances, and becomes a hatchet man for one of Chinatown’s most powerful tongs.
This tv show contains 9 potentially triggering events.
Mine owners beat and eventually murder a child after accusing him of theft. They show the boy dead and his mother crying over his body. A teenager (described as 17 or 18 years old) dies in season 3, episode 9. A character occasionally makes references to the deaths of his two sons from smallpox but these deaths don't occur on screen.
A character married her father's friend (who knew her as a small child) out of desperation. Her younger sister becomes romantically involved with a much older man. Older men use the services of much younger sex workers throughout the series.
A racist rioter holds a woman's head underwater before someone intervenes to save her. A man holds a woman's head underwater in a fight scene in season 3, episode 10
The father of two adult characters dies of a heart attack after a violent attack on his business and workers. In season 3, episode 6 the mother of different adult characters dies while attempting to kill another one of their relatives. In season 3, episode 9 a man begs his son to mercy kill him, which the son reluctantly does.
A man violently chokes a woman during an assassination attempt in season 1, episode 7. A character chokes their partner during sex in season 2, episode 7, in the same episode another character chokes their partner unconscious during a fight.
A man takes his young child against her mother's will and gives her up for adoption in the hopes of giving her a better life. The mother is obviously distraught. In season 3, episode 5 they show cops abducting children from Chinese families. One of them says that they'll be sent to a Christian orphanage while their parents are deported.
People get restrained with handcuffs and chains throughout the series. There is a particularly violent scene in season 2, episode 7 in which multiple sex trafficked women appear in chains. In season 2, episode 10 there is a scene in a mental hospital with many patients restrained to beds.
A character gets arrested and put in jail on false charges. Police abuse him during the intake process. In season 2, episode 10 they show a character incarcerated in Alcatraz Penitentiary. In season 3, episode 5 a character gets put in jail on false charges. She endures physical abuse under the pretense of hygiene/disease control. In season 3, episodes 4 and 5 there are scenes in a prison for immigrants awaiting deportation.
There is a scene in a crib brothel beginning around 26 minutes into season 2, episode 7 during which multiple rapes are visible on screen as the victims struggle and cry. This scene also features trafficked women in chains and cages. The visible assaults continue until two women break in to kill the men running the brothel.
There is a brutal flashback scene involving the amputation of a gangrenous leg in season 2, episode 8, the character's current leg (missing the lower half) is visible afterward. There are multiple non-medical amputations in fight scenes throughout the series.
A lot of married men visit the brothels throughout the series. A character pretends to love someone, to the point of becoming engaged to them, while maintaining a secret relationship with someone else.
A bisexual character dies, their death has nothing to do with their sexual orientation and as of yet, the show's other openly LGBT characters are alive